WriteA block for writing data to items on an OPC server at intervals determined by parameter samplePeriod |
This block writes data of scalar type Integer from the OPC UA server it is connected to. It inherits the properties of the partial model Sampler , which contains parameters such as samplePeriod, nodeID, nodeNamespace, and nodeIDType that determine how often and to which OPC node the data should be written. Only scalar nodes can be written to; i.e. no array or matrix nodes are supported.
At every sampling instant, external function writeExternalInteger is called from within the block.
samplePeriod |
Value: Type: Time (s) Description: Sample period of component |
startTime |
Value: 0 Type: Time (s) Description: First sample time instant |
nodeIDType |
Value: Type: UANodeIdType Description: The node identifier type |
nodeID |
Value: Type: String Description: The node identifier |
nodeNamespace |
Value: Type: Integer Description: The node namespace |
uaIntegerType |
Value: Type: UAInteger Description: OPC UA type used for writing |
useUMax |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: If true, use upper limit for written signal |
uMax |
Value: 1 Type: Integer Description: Upper limit of written signal |
useUMin |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: If true, use lower limit for written signal |
uMin |
Value: 0 Type: Integer Description: Lower limit of written signal |
sampleTrigger |
Type: Boolean Description: True, if sample time instant |
firstTrigger |
Type: Boolean Description: Rising edge signals first sample instant |
serverID |
Type: BlockConnector Description: The unique ID of the server the block is connected to |
u |
Type: IntegerInput Description: Input signal to be sampled |
OPCUA.Examples Basic example that demonstrates how to write to and read from nodes on an OPC UA server |