tag that evaluates input to Mathematica and insert the formatted result in the output page
- The evaluate tag is one of the most important tags for creating web material with webMathematica. A user places the tag inside of a web Mathematica JSP page, the body of the tag is evaluated, the result is formatted and placed into the response to the web response. More information on the operation of the tags can be found in the section webMathematica Tags.
- There is a large collection of Mathematica commands that can be used inside the tags such as evaluate. These provide useful functionality for creating web material with Mathematica. They are useful in various ways such as processing request parameters that are the input from a web user, formatting results, and using web features such as uploading files and HTTP sessions. More information can be found in the section Mathematica Web Functions.
- The results of the computation of the body of an evaluate tag can be formatted in a variety of ways, such as into text, HTML fragments, or images. More information on formatting can be found in the section on formatting.
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