gives a numerical approximation to the derivative of expr with respect to x at the point x0.
gives a numerical approximation to the derivative of expr.
Details and Options
- To use ND, you first need to load the Numerical Calculus Package using Needs["NumericalCalculus`"].
- The expression expr must be numeric when its argument x is numeric.
- ND[expr,x,x0] is equivalent to ND[expr,{x,1},x0].
- ND is unable to recognize small numbers that should in fact be zero. Chop may be needed to eliminate these spurious residuals.
- The following options can be given:
Method EulerSum method to use Scale 1 size at which variations are expected Terms 7 number of terms to be used WorkingPrecision MachinePrecision precision to use in internal computations - Possible settings for Method include:
EulerSum use Richardson's extrapolation to the limit NIntegrate use Cauchy's integral formula - With Method->EulerSum, ND needs to evaluate expr at x0.
- If expr is not analytic in the neighborhood of x0, then the default method EulerSum must be used.
- The option Scale->s is used to capture the scale of variation when using Method->EulerSum.
- When the value of the derivative depends on the direction, the default is to the right. Other directions can be chosen with the option Scale->s, where the direction is s.
- The option Terms->n gives the number of terms to use for extrapolation when using Method->EulerSum.
- With Method->NIntegrate, the expression expr must be analytic in a neighborhood of the point x0.
- The option Scale->r specifies the radius of the contour of integration to use with Method->NIntegrate.
open allclose allBasic Examples (1)
Generalizations & Extensions (1)
ND is threaded element-wise:
Options (7)
Method (2)
Use the default Method->EulerSum when expr is not analytic in the neighborhood of x0:
An incorrect answer is obtained with Method->NIntegrate:
Here is a derivative where the default method works poorly:
In this case the expression is analytic, so Method->NIntegrate will work well:
Scale (3)
Use Scale->s to capture the region of variation:
The scale of variation is around .01:
A value of Scale->s that is too large can be compensated by increasing the number of terms:
Use Scale to specify directional derivatives. The left and right derivatives of the nonanalytic function :
Complex directions may also be specified:
Use the option Scale to avoid regions of non-analyticity when the method used is NIntegrate:

Shrinking the radius avoids the essential singularity at x1:
Terms (1)
Increasing the number of terms may improve accuracy. Here is a somewhat inaccurate approximation:
Increasing the number of terms produces a more accurate answer:
Increasing the number of terms further can produce nonsense due to numerical instability:
Combining an increase in the number of terms with a higher working precision often will reduce the error:
WorkingPrecision (1)
High-order derivatives with Method->EulerSum experience significant subtractive cancellation:
Using a higher working precision and additional terms produces an accurate answer:
For this problem, Method->NIntegrate with default options produces a correct answer:
Higher-order derivatives will again experience numerical instability:

Increasing WorkingPrecision will improve the accuracy:
An alternative is to increase the radius of the contour of integration:
Applications (1)
Properties & Relations (3)
The option Method->NIntegrate uses Cauchy's integral formula to compute derivatives:
The equivalent computation can be performed using NResidue:
The Wolfram Language has built-in code to compute derivatives of numerical functions:
The built-in numerical derivative code can be used. However, it is unable to capture the rapid oscillations:
Using ND with the appropriate options can compute an accurate derivative:
With Method->EulerSum, ND must be able to evaluate expr at the point x0:

Adding an additional definition for f allows ND to compute the derivative:
In this case, Method->NIntegrate produces a more accurate answer: