NDSolve::ivone NDSolveValue::ivone ParametricNDSolve::ivone ParametricNDSolveValue::ivone


  • This message is generated when the initial values and boundary conditions for a partial differential equation specify values on all sides of the solution region.
  • If an equation cannot be solved as an initial value problem, NDSolve will try to solve the equation as a boundary value problem instead.
  • The method of lines partial differential equation solver used by NDSolve is only able to solve initial value problems.
  • Initial value equations of temporal order n need n-1 derivatives of initial values specified.
  • Off[message] switches off the message; On[message] switches it on. For example: Off[NDSolve::ivone].


Basic Examples  (7)

This input generates a message because the equations specify values for the solution on all sides of the solution region:

For a second-order time-dependent system, fix this by specifying values for the initial condition and the derivative of the initial condition at one side:

Alternatively, specify values for the initial condition and the derivative of the initial condition at another side:

An error is generated because too many initial conditions have been specified for this first-order time-dependent equation:

Change the input to only have a single initial condition:

An error is generated because there is no specification for the initial value of the solution:

Specify an initial value for this first-order time-dependent equation:

An error is generated because there is no specification for the initial values of the solution:

Specify values for the initial conditions:

An error is generated because an initial condition is specified as DirichletCondition:

Correct the specification of the initial condition:

In some cases, NDSolve will try to find a solution by interpreting the equations as purely spatial:

In the preceding case, NDSolve cannot solve the equation as a time-dependent equation because no initial conditions were specified. NDSolve will assume a zero NeumannValue for the unspecified boundaries and solve the equation as a stationary equation.

Inspect that the InterpolatingFunction contains a 2D mesh:

To treat the equation as a time-dependent equation, specify the "MethodOfLines" option and correct the specification for the initial condition and its derivative:

Inspect that the InterpolatingFunction contains a 1D mesh:

An error is generated because there is no specification for the initial value for the solution of f:

Specify initial conditions for all dependent variables: