3.9.2 FourierPlot
Command structure of FourierPlot.
FourierPlot performs a discrete fourier analysis by applying Fourier on the given functions.
FourierPlot inherits all options from ListPlot. Additionally the following option is available:
Options for FourierPlot.
The option PlotPoints -> integer specifies the number of sample points. The maximum displayed frequency is given by .
See also: Fourier.
Load Analog Insydes.
In[1]:= <<AnalogInsydes`
Plot a spectrum of two signals with and .
In[2]:= FourierPlot[{0.5 Sin[2. Pi 20. t], 2. Cos[2. Pi 80. t]}, {t, 0, 1.}, PlotStyle -> {{Hue[0]}, {Hue[0.4]}}]
