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CheckRules is an option for SolveMech that determines whether solution rules passed into SolveMech are assumed to be correct, or are checked against the constraints to see if they constitute a valid solution.

• When a list of rules is passed to SolveMech at runtime, the rules are normally used as initial guesses for the next solution attempt.
• If CheckRules->False is given with
Solution->Velocity, the supplied rules are assumed to constitute a valid location solution and only the velocity solution will actually be calculated.
• If CheckRules->False is given with Solution->Acceleration, the supplied rules are assumed to constitute valid location and velocity solutions and only the acceleration solution will actually be calculated.
• If CheckRules->False is given with Solution set to Static, Kinematic, or Dynamic, only the Lagrange multipliers will actually be calculated.
• The default setting is CheckRules->True.
• See also: CheckSystem, StepMech.

Further Examples

Load the Modeler2D package and define a simple model.

Here is a solution to the model at time = 0.2.

Here the velocity solution is based on the location solution provided with no validity check. If the location solution sol did not constitute a valid solution to the model, the velocity terms returned here would also be invalid.

See HelpModel2D.