Dynamic 2D/3D• Dynamic is a setting for the Solution option for several Mech functions. • Solution->Dynamic causes such functions to seek a solution for the location, velocity, acceleration, and dynamic loading of the current model. • Dynamic is also a setting for the Type option for Loads. Type->Dynamic causes Loads to return the total inertial load on a body. • The alternatives to the Dynamic setting for the Solution option are Location, Velocity, Acceleration, Static, and Kinematic. • The alternatives to the Dynamic setting for the Type option are Applied and Reaction, which cause Loads to return external loads or kinematic reaction forces, respectively. • See also: SolveMech, SetFree. Further Examples Load the Modeler2D package and define a simple model. Because the link body has nonzero mass and moment of inertia, it has a nonzero dynamic load vector that is a function of the acceleration of the body.
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See HelpModel2D.