Loads 2D/3D• Loads[bnum] returns the total external load applied to body bnum. • Loads[{bnum1, bnum2, ... }] returns the subset of the applied load vector associated with the bnumi. • Loads[All] returns the entire applied load vector. • Loads[Rest] returns the subset of the applied load vector that is associated with derivatives of generalized coordinates, such as the extra variables introduced by cam constraints. • Loads[sym] returns the element of the load vector associated with coordinate sym. • Loads[{sym1, ... , symn}] returns the subset of the applied load vector associated with several coordinate symbols. • The symi must be location coordinates as returned by Location[bnum] or, if the current Modeler3D solution method is Angular, angular velocity coordinates as returned by Omega[bnum]. • The following options can be givens:
• The default setting Coordinates->Automatic returns the loads in the current default coordinate system. • If Coordinates->Automatic is given and the current coordinate system is Euler, a list of seven loads is returned in Euler coordinates. • If either the Global or Local setting is given for Coordinates, the argument must be a single body number bnum. In this case Loads returns a two-element list of the form {force, moment}. • Type->Reaction may be given to return the total reaction force applied by all constraints to the body. • Type->Dynamic may be given to return the total inertial load on the body. • For example: Loads[n, Type->Applied] + Loads[n, Type->Dynamic] + Loads[n, Type->Reaction] /. SolveMech[ ... , Solution->Dynamic] should always return a zero vector. • See also: Constraints. Further Examples Load the Modeler2D package and define a simple model. Here are the loads applied to the x, y, and coordinates of the link body.
Out[2]= |  |
Here is the reaction force applied by the constraints to the X3 coordinate (which is the x coordinate of the link body).
Out[3]= |  |
Here are the dynamic force and moment acting on the link body, with the force given in the local coordinate system of the link body.
Out[4]= |  |
See HelpModel2D.