Moment 2D/3D• Moment[bnum, mag] (2D) returns a SysLoad data object that applies a moment to body bnum of magnitude mag. • Moment[bnum, vector, mag] (3D) returns a SysLoad data object that applies a moment to body bnum of magnitude mag in the direction of vector. • Moment[bnum1, bnum2, ... ] applies the moment to body bnum1 and also applies a moment in the opposite sense to body bnum2. • After creation, the SysLoad object is passed to SetLoads to alter the state of the current Mech model. • The following options can be given:
• In Modeler3D, Magnitude->Relative causes the magnitude of the applied moment to be equal to the specified mag times the length of vector. • See also: Body, Force, GyroMoment, Load. Further Examples Load the Modeler3D package and define a simple model. Here we apply a force and a moment to the crank and look at the resulting loads applied to each model variable. Because we are using Euler parameters the moment is applied in Euler parameter space.
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If we switch to global angular coordinates, then the same force and moment will result in the simplest possible load vector.
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In local angular coordinates the applied moment must be transformed because it was specified in global coordinates.
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If we redefine the moment in local coordinates, the resulting load vector again requires no transformation.
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See HelpModel3D.