Method 2D/3D• Method is an option for SetSymbols that is used to specify whether Euler or Angular coordinates will be used to represent angular orientation (2D) or angular velocity (3D). • Method is an option for SolveFree and SolvePath that is used to specify whether a Predictor, Corrector, or Automatic integration algorithm is used. • The default setting is Method->Angular for Modeler2D and Method->Euler for Modeler3D. • The default setting is Method->Automatic for SolveFree and SolvePath. • See also: Coordinates, FitDegree. Further Examples Load the Modeler2D package and define a simple model. The default solution method for 2D models is Angular so the results given by SolveMech are in terms of angular coordinates 2, 3, ....
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If we change the solution method to Euler then the same results are expressed in terms of Euler parameters.
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Load the Modeler3D package and define a simple model. For 3D models, the default solution method is Euler so the angular orientation and angular velocity of each body are given in terms of Euler parameters and their derivatives.
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If we change the solution method to Angular, then the angular velocity is expressed in terms of the components of the angular velocity vector.
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However, if we want the derivatives of the Euler parameters, they can still be obtained in terms of the angular velocity terms.
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See HelpModel2D, HelpModel3D.