
AuthorTools is an add-on package that simplifies the creation of documents in the Wolfram System and is particularly suited for book production tasks. The package contains functions to process notebooks for print or online publication. These functions can be called directly or through dialogs and palettes that are part of AuthorTools.

OpenAuthorTool access the AuthorTools subpalettes

Make Project dialog for setting up and managing projects involving multiple notebooks; for example, this dialog may be used to generate a unified table of contents or index for a set of notebooks

WriteProjectData  ▪  MakeContents  ▪  SelectedCellStyles

Paginate palette that enables the assigning of page numbers to one or more notebooks

Paginate  ▪  StartingPages  ▪  OpenAllCellGroups  ▪  PaginationFunction

Make Contents palette that enables the generation of a table of contents for any notebook or group of notebooks

MakeContents  ▪  Paginate  ▪  SelectedCellStyles

Make Index palette that enables the generation of an index for a notebook or project; The Wolfram System calculates page numbers for all the index entries that you specify and lists them in alphabetical order

AddIndexEntry  ▪  MakeIndex

Export Cells palette that enables the extraction of content of a specified type from a given notebook or project and saves the content in a desired format

ExportNotebook  ▪  ExportFormat  ▪  ExportDirectory  ▪  ExtractionMethod

Insert Value palette that enables the insertion of an object to display the current value of variables such as the names of the home directory or the preferences directory, as well as the current file name, pathname, date, or time

Differences palette for comparing variations between notebooks; the result is a standalone report outlining all the differences in content and option settings

Printing Options palette for configuring headers and footers, page numbers, and other printing details common to preparing documents for publication