As of Version 10, most of the functionality of the Combinatorica package is built into the Wolfram System. »

ShowGraph display a graph

ShowGraphArray display several graphs

ShowLabeledGraph  ▪  AnimateGraph

SetGraphOptions set graph display options

GraphOptions retrieve graph display options

SetEdgeLabels  ▪  SetEdgeWeights  ▪  SetVertexLabels  ▪  SetVertexWeights  ▪  Zoom

Graph Embedding

CircularEmbedding place all vertices on a circle

ChangeVertices specify coordinates of vertices

ChangeEdges replace edges of a graph

RankGraph assign ranks to vertices

RankedEmbedding place vertices based on their rank

RadialEmbedding  ▪  RootedEmbedding  ▪  SpringEmbedding  ▪  GraphCenter

RotateVertices rotate vertex positions about the origin

TranslateVertices shift vertex position by a given vector

ShakeGraph  ▪  HasseDiagram

Graph Options

EdgeStyle style of displayed edges

VertexStyle style of displayed vertices

EdgeColor  ▪  EdgeLabel  ▪  EdgeWeight

EdgeDirection  ▪  EdgeLabelColor  ▪  EdgeLabelPosition

VertexColor  ▪  VertexLabel  ▪  VertexWeight

VertexNumber  ▪  VertexNumberColor  ▪  VertexNumberPosition

VertexLabelColor  ▪  VertexLabelPosition  ▪  LoopPosition

Highlight highlight elements of a graph

HighlightedEdgeColors  ▪  HighlightedVertexColors

HighlightedEdgeStyle  ▪  HighlightedVertexStyle