gives a numerical approximation to the n coefficient in the Fourier sine series expansion of expr, where expr is a periodic function of t with period 2π.
Details and Options
- To use NFourierSinCoefficient, you first need to load the Fourier Series Package using Needs["FourierSeries`"].
- The numerical approximation to the n coefficient in the Fourier sine series expansion of expr is by default defined to be NIntegrate[expr Sin[n t],{t,0,π}], where n must be an integer.
- Different choices for the definition of the Fourier sine series expansion can be specified using the option FourierParameters.
- With the setting FourierParameters->{a,b}, expr is assumed to have a period of , and the n coefficient computed by NFourierSinCoefficient is NIntegrate[expr Sin[b n t],{t,0,}].
- The parameter b in the setting FourierParameters->{a,b} must be numeric.
- In addition to the option FourierParameters, NFourierSinCoefficient can also accept the options available to NIntegrate. These options are passed directly to NIntegrate.