The functionality provided by GUIKit has been superseded by the interface construction and controls functions native to the built-in Wolfram Language.
represents an icon.
- To use Widget["Icon"], you first need to load GUIKit using Needs["GUIKit`"].
- Many widgets take an "icon" property, such as buttons and menu items, and so a Widget["Icon"] instance would be used when setting an icon property on another widget.
- The following properties are available:
"path" Null path or URL of the icon image in GIF, JPEG, or PNG format "data" image data the image data - The "data" property can be given as a String or as Script[ExportString[…,format,options]], where format is "GIF", "JPEG", or "PNG".
Basic Examples (1)
Display an icon from the filesystem:
Display an icon generated by ExportString: