RDF- and SPARQL-Related Formats
Import and export RDF data, SPARQL queries and updates, and the results returned from SPARQL endpoints.
"Turtle" — text-based format for RDF graphs (.ttl)
"NTriples" — line-based format for RDF graphs (.nt)
"TriG" — text-based format for RDF graphs and datasets (.trig)
"NQuads" — line-based format for RDF graphs and datasets (.nq)
"JSONLD" — JSON-based format for RDF graphs and datasets (.jsonld)
"RDFXML" — XML-based format for RDF graphs (.rdf)
"OWLFunctional" — text-based format for RDF graphs encoding OWL ontologies (.ofn)
"SPARQLQuery" — format for SPARQL queries (.rq)
"SPARQLUpdate" — format for SPARQL updates (.ru)
"SPARQLResultsJSON" — JSON-based format for the result of SPARQL SELECT and ASK queries (.srj)
"SPARQLResultsXML" — XML-based format for the result of SPARQL SELECT and ASK queries (.srx)