Same functionality now provided by ExportString[expr,{"MathML","Expression"}].
converts the Wolfram Language expression, expr, into a MathML-flavored XML text string.
- To use ExpressionToMathML, you first need to load the XML Package using Needs["XML`"].
- The output is in both presentation and content MathML wherever possible.
- The following options can be given:
"Annotations" {} annotations to add to the output (acceptable values are combinations of "DocumentHeader", "XMLDeclaration", and "DOCTYPEDeclaration") "AttributeQuoting" "'" character used to quote attribute values "CheckXML" True whether to check the output for errors "ElementFormatting" Automatic controls indenting in the output "Entities" None how to represent special characters as named entities "Formats" {"PresentationMathML","ContentMathML"} type of MathML markup to generate "IncludeMarkupAnnotations" True whether to add annotation when exporting a formula with constructs specific to the Wolfram Language and no clear counterpart in MathML "MathAttributes" {} attributes to add to the root element of the MathML "NamespacePrefixes" {} specifies namespace declaration and prefix "UseUnicodePlane1Characters" True whether to replace plane 1 Unicode characters with similar plane 0 characters