Low-Level WSTP Operations

Sending Low-Level Data

WSPutNext() prepare to send an object of the specified type

WSPutSize() specify the number of bytes to send

WSPutData() send raw bytes

WSBytesToPut() find the number of bytes remaining to be sent

Receiving Low-Level Data

WSGetNext() continue to the next object and return its type

WSGetType() return the type of the current object

WSGetData() get raw bytes

WSBytesToGet() the number of bytes to receive

Error Handling

WSError(), WSErrorMessage() information on the most recent error

WSClearError() clear the most recent error

Flow Control

WSReady(), WSReadyParallel() test whether there is data ready to be read

WSFlush() send any data currently buffered

WSCreateMark(), WSSeekToMark(), ... rewind to specified positions

WSSetYieldFunction(), WSGetYieldFunction() functions to call while waiting

WSWaitForLinkActivity(), WSWaitForLinkActivityWithCallback() functions to call to wait for data

Interrupts & Aborts

WSPutMessage(), WSPutMessageWithArg() send an interrupt or abort message

WSGetMessage() receive an interrupt or abort message

WSMessageReady() whether an interrupt or abort message is available

WSSetMessageHandler(), WSGetMessageHandler() handler for messages received

WSSetSignalHandler(), WSUnsetSignalHandler() handler for signals on Unix


WSLogStreamToFile(), WSStopLoggingStreamToFile(), WSStopLoggingStream() start or stop log facility

WSEnableLoggingStream(), WSDisableLoggingStream() temporarily enable or disable the stream log

WSLogFileNameForLink(), WSReleaseLogFileNameForLink() generate a name for the log file