Package Bulletproofing
The Wolfram Language makes it easy to "bulletproof" packages, and prevent features of their environment from affecting their internal operation.
Localizing Variables »
Module — localize names of variables
Namespace Bulletproofing
BeginPackage — isolate names by declaring a separate context for package functions
Begin — isolate names in the implementation of a package
Symbol Protection
Protect — protect a symbol against redefinition
ReadProtected — protect against definitions being read
Locked — attribute to prevent protection from being changed
Evaluation Bulletproofing
Block — block out changes to system or other variables
BlockRandom — block out reseeding of pseudorandom generators
CheckAbort ▪ TimeConstrained ▪ MemoryConstrained ▪ PropagateAborts
Error & Exception Handling
Confirm — confirm that evaluation of an expression does not generate a failure
ConfirmBy ▪ ConfirmMatch ▪ ConfirmQuiet ▪ ConfirmAssert
Failsafe — create a version of a function protected against bad input
Assert — abort if an assertion fails
Evaluation State Bulletproofing
WithCleanup — run cleanup code even if an evaluation is aborted
AbortProtect — protect the evaluation of an expression from aborts
Function Bulletproofing
CheckArguments — issue messages for incorrect arguments or options
ArgumentsOptions — separate arguments and options for a function
Version Compatibility
$VersionNumber — Wolfram System version number for comparisons
$SystemID — short description of computer system
Notebook Interface Bulletproofing
Deploy ▪ Selectable ▪ Editable ▪ Visible ▪ CellContext