How to | Install a Stylesheet
Stylesheets are typically edited as part of a notebook, but may also be applied to any other notebooks using either of the following two installation methods. Installed stylesheets are available for use with any document opened by your copy of the Wolfram System.
The first method is to use the Install Stylesheet button at the top right of the toolbar in the stylesheet editing window:

After clicking the button, the Install Mathematica Item dialog opens. The Wolfram System assumes that you are installing the document's stylesheet and automatically chooses the appropriate Type of Item to Install and Source information.

Enter a unique name to identify this stylesheet in the Install Name box. Select whether the stylesheet will be used just by you or by multiple users of your installed copy of the Wolfram System. Then click OK. The stylesheet will appear in the Format ▶ Stylesheet submenu with the name you designated.

The File ▶ Install menu offers another method for accessing this same installation process:

It pulls up the same set of window prompts as noted above.

Choose Stylesheet as the type of item to install and the source as From File. Type in a unique Install Name to identify the stylesheet. Select whether the stylesheet will be used just by you or by multiple users of your installed copy of the Wolfram System. Then click OK. The stylesheet will appear in the Format ▶ Stylesheet submenu.