yields the controllable subsystem of the state-space model sys.
specifies the new state variables zi.
Details and Options

- ControllableDecomposition gives {p,csys}, where p is the transformation and csys is the controllable subsystem.
- The system sys can be a standard or descriptor StateSpaceModel or AffineStateSpaceModel.
- The controllable subsystem is given by StateSpaceTransform[sys,p].
- ControllableDecomposition accepts a Method option. The following settings can be specified:
Automatic automatically choose the method "Matrix" use the controllability matrix "Distribution" use the controllability distribution
open allclose allScope (4)
Applications (7)
Linear Systems (4)
Construct the Kalman controllable decomposition:
ControllableDecomposition picks out the controllable subsystem only:
Kalman controllable decomposition puts the controllable subsystem first and keeps the rest:
Compute the dimension of the controllable subspace:
The controllable subspace is the range of p, i.e. the column dimension:
Find the controllable subspace for the system below and explain the possible state trajectories that can occur in the system:
The system is uncontrollable, so only a subspace is controllable:
The range of the transformation matrix p gives the controllable subspace:
Trajectories can be controlled in this subspace:
But you cannot control the drift between parallel copies of the controllable subspace:
Design a controller for a system that is not completely controllable, by building a controller for the controllable subsystem:

Since a force applied only on the first mass , the second mass
is not controllable:
Design a controller using the controllable subsystem:
Use the transformation to obtain the controller for the original system:
The simulation shows controlled as well as oscillatory modes in the closed-loop system:
Affine Systems (3)
Construct the triangular controllability decomposition:
ControllableDecomposition picks out the controllable subsystem only:
Triangular controllability decomposition puts the controllable subsystem first and keeps the rest:
Compute the dimension of the controllable subspace:
The dimension can be obtained from the inverse transformation :
The controllable decomposition gives the reachable subspace and subsystem. This can be used to visualize the motion of the system from one subspace to another:
The generic reachable subspace:
A specific reachable subspace:
Select several initial points on this surface:
All these initial points end up at exactly the same final surface because that motion is not controllable:
A 3D plot shows the motion from the initial surface to the final one:
Properties & Relations (2)
The transformation matrix p selects the controllable subsystem using StateSpaceTransform:
For affine systems, the transformation rules select the controllable subsystem:
Wolfram Research (2010), ControllableDecomposition, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2014).
Wolfram Language. 2010. "ControllableDecomposition." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2014.
Wolfram Language. (2010). ControllableDecomposition. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from