

selects components of image indicated by the label matrix lmat that satisfy crit, replacing other parts with black.


selects connected components of image.


computes the property "prop" and selects the first n in sorted order.


sorts computed properties using the ordering function p.

Details and Options

  • SelectComponents can be used to select image components with specific desired characteristics. Selection may be performed on components' location, shapes, and intensity properties.
  • Component selection is also used to filter undesired image parts, including small, large, border touching, or specifically shaped components.
  • SelectComponents works with 2D or 3D images and label matrices.
  • A label matrix lmat is an array of non-negative integers, in which each integer represents a component, and 0 represents the background.
  • If the label matrix lmat is not given, it is computed using the connectivity of nonzero pixels in image.
  • SelectComponents selects components based on the given criteria crit. Components that are not selected are replaced with 0 (black) in both image and lmat.
  • Possible forms of crit include:
  • Largecomponents bigger than a globally determined threshold
    Smallcomponents smaller than a globally determined threshold
    fcomponents that satisfy f
  • When a pure function f is used, component properties can be accessed using #prop1, #prop2, . A component is selected if f returns True.
  • For the complete list of possible properties, see the reference page for ComponentMeasurements.
  • SelectComponents[{image,lmat},] returns a modified version of {image,lmat} where unselected components are replaced with 0.
  • SelectComponents[lmat,] can also be used to select components from a label matrix lmat.
  • SelectComponents[,"prop",n] computes "prop" for all components and returns the first n, sorted using Sort.
  • SelectComponents[,{"prop1","prop2",},n] computes and sorts multiple properties.
  • SelectComponents[,"prop",-n] returns the last n components.
  • SelectComponents takes a CornerNeighbors option. The default setting is CornerNeighbors->True.


open allclose all

Basic Examples  (3)

Select the outermost components in an image:

Select three smallest components:

Select 3D image components:

Scope  (7)

Use a single property to select components:

Use multiple properties:

Select large components from a binary image:

Select small components:

Select the six smallest components:

Select the six largest components:

Select components of a label matrix:

Options  (1)

CornerNeighbors  (1)

By default, SelectComponents considers diagonally adjacent corners to be connected:

Use CornerNeighborsFalse to assume otherwise:

Applications  (5)

Select all the border components:

Select all interior components:

Select the four roundest objects:

Find objects smaller than 500 pixels that have holes and do not touch an image border:

Extract segments belonging to numbers in an image of a calendar:

Find the river in a satellite image by selecting the longest component:

Wolfram Research (2010), SelectComponents, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2016).


Wolfram Research (2010), SelectComponents, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2016).


Wolfram Language. 2010. "SelectComponents." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2016.


Wolfram Language. (2010). SelectComponents. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


@misc{reference.wolfram_2024_selectcomponents, author="Wolfram Research", title="{SelectComponents}", year="2016", howpublished="\url{}", note=[Accessed: 17-October-2024 ]}


@online{reference.wolfram_2024_selectcomponents, organization={Wolfram Research}, title={SelectComponents}, year={2016}, url={}, note=[Accessed: 17-October-2024 ]}