Mathematical Morphology

Overview »
Combining methods from set theory, topology, and discrete mathematics, mathematical morphology provides a powerful approach to processing images and other discrete data. The Wolfram Language includes an extensive and efficient implementation of mathematical morphology, fully integrated with the Wolfram Language's general image and data processing.
Image Preparation
Binarize, MorphologicalBinarize — convert any image to black and white
ColorNegate — flip black and white
Basic Operations
Dilation ▪ Erosion ▪ Opening ▪ Closing
Morphological Transforms
DistanceTransform ▪ InverseDistanceTransform ▪ HitMissTransform ▪ TopHatTransform ▪ BottomHatTransform
MinDetect ▪ MaxDetect ▪ FillingTransform
MorphologicalTransform — general block-based binary morphological operation
MorphologicalGraph — generate a graph from an image skeleton
Morphological Reconstruction
GeodesicDilation ▪ GeodesicErosion ▪ GeodesicClosing ▪ GeodesicOpening
Morphological Analysis
SkeletonTransform ▪ Thinning ▪ Pruning ▪ MorphologicalBranchPoints
MorphologicalEulerNumber ▪ MorphologicalPerimeter
MorphologicalComponents — identify connected components
CornerNeighbors — option to specify neighborhood configuration
Component Analysis
ComponentMeasurements — component shape and color analysis
SelectComponents ▪ DeleteSmallComponents ▪ DeleteBorderComponents
Colorize — color every component differently
HighlightImage — highlight region of interest