WSPutInteger16Array (C Function)
int WSPutInteger16Array(WSLINK link,const short *a,const int *dims,const char **heads,int d)
puts an array of 16-bit integers to the WSTP connection specified by link to form a depth d array with dimensions dims.

- The array a must be laid out in memory like a C array declared explicitly as
- If heads is given as NULL, the array will be assumed to have head List at every level.
- The length of the array at level i is taken to be
- WSPutInteger16Array() returns 0 in the event of an error, and a nonzero value if the function succeeds.
- Use WSError() to retrieve the error code if WSPutInteger16Array() fails.
- WSPutInteger16Array() is declared in the WSTP header file wstp.h.
Basic Examples (1)
#include "wstp.h"
/* send an array of 16-bit integers to a link */
void f(WSLINK lp)
short array[6][10][2][1];
int dims[4];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 120; i++)
*((short *)array + i) = i;
dims[0] = 6;
dims[1] = 10;
dims[2] = 2;
dims[3] = 1;
if(! WSPutInteger16Array(lp, (short *)array, (int *)dims, (char **)0, 4))
{ /* unable to put the array to lp */ }