WSResolveCallbackFunction (C Function)
is a WSTP type that describes a function pointer to a function taking an WSENV object, an WSServiceRef object, a const char * string holding the service name, a const char * string holding the link name, a const char * string holding the link protocol, an int holding the link options, and a void * object as a context object and returning void.

- The function WSResolveLinkService() initiates a resolve operation on the network to convert a WSTP service name to the connection details necessary for establishing a link to the service. WSResolveLinkService() starts the operation and returns immediately. The WSTP library delivers the connection details asynchronously to the application via a function of type WSResolveCallbackFunction.
- An WSResolveLinkService function has the following form:
- void function( WSENV e, WSServiceRef r, const char *serviceName, const char *linkName, const char *protocol, int options, void *context);
- Because WSTP link services primarily involve services available via the network, the protocol option will almost always be "TCPIP".
- The combination of the link name, protocol, and options argument is sufficient to create a link that will connect to the named service. The link must be created in connect mode using either -linkmode connect or -linkconnect.
Basic Examples (1)
#include <string.h> /* for memset, memcpy, etc... */
#include <stdio.h> /* for snprintf */
#include "wstp.h"
void ResolveCallbackFunction(WSENV e, WSServiceRef r, const char *serviceName, const char *linkName, const char *protocol, int options, void *context);
WSServiceRef startResolvingServiceWithName(WSENV e, const char *name)
WSServiceRef theRef;
int apiResult = 0;
apiResult = WSResolveLinkService(e, ResolveCallbackFunction, name,
NULL /* No context object for this example */, &theRef);
if(apiResult != 0)
{ /* Handle the error */ }
return theRef;
void ResolveCallbackFunction(WSENV e, WSServiceRef r, const char *serviceName, const char *linkName, const char *protocol, int options, void *context)
WSLINK newLink = (WSLINK)0;
int error = 0;
int argc = 0;
const char *argv[] = {
"Dummy value representing program name",
(const char *)0,
(const char *)0,
(const char *)0,
/* The following NULL pointer terminates the argv array */
(const char *)0
char optionsBuffer[50];
memset((void *)optionsBuffer, 0, sizeof(char) * 50));
snprintf(optionsBuffer, 50, "%d", options);
argv[2] = linkName;
argv[4] = protocol;
argv[7] = (const char *)optionsBuffer;
argc = 8;
newLink = WSOpenArgcArgv(e, argc, argv, &error);
if(newLink == (WSLINK)0 || error != WSEOK)
{ /* Handle the error */ }
/* ... */