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Entity["Polyhedron",name] 或
表示类型 "Polyhedron" 的一个实体.
表示实体类,其中 propi 的值由 speci 定义.

AlternateNames alternate names Amphichiral amphichiral Antiprism antiprism Archimedean Archimedean ArchimedeanDual Archimedean dual AssociatedPeople associated people BoundaryMeshRegion boundary mesh representation Canonical canonical Centroid centroid Chiral chiral Circumcenter circumcenter Circumdiameter circumdiameter Circumradius circumradius Circumsphere circumsphere Classes classes Compound compound CompoundInterior compound interior Concave concave Convex convex ConvexHull convex hull CoordinateBounds coordinate bounds DefaultOrientation default orientation DehnInvariant Dehn invariant Deltahedron deltahedron DihedralAngles dihedral angles Dipyramid dipyramid Dual dual EdgeCount edge count EdgeIndices edge indices EdgeLengths distinct edge lengths EntityClasses entity classes EntityTypeList entity type list Equilateral equilateral FaceCount face count FaceIndices face indices GeneralizedDiameter generalized diameter Goldberg Goldberg polyhedron Graphics3D 3‐D graphics GraphicsComplex graphics complex Hull hull Image image ImplicitRegion representation as inequalities and equalities Incenter incenter InertiaTensor inertia tensor Information information Inradius inradius Insphere insphere Isohedron isohedron Johnson Johnson solid KeplerPoinsot Kepler‐Poinsot solid Lines lines MeanCylindricalRadius mean cylindrical radius MeanInteriorLineSegmentLength mean interior line segment length MeanSphericalRadius mean spherical radius MeanSquareCylindricalRadius mean square cylindrical radius MeanSquareSphericalRadius mean square spherical radius Midcenter midcenter Midradius midradius Midsphere midsphere MultipieceNetCoordinates multipiece net coordinates MultipieceNetFaceIndices multipiece net face indices MultipieceNetImage multipiece net image Name name Names name and alternate names Net net NetCount net count NotationRules notation rules Orientations orientations Parallelohedron parallelohedron Platonic Platonic solid PlatonicDual Platonic dual Plesiohedron plesiohedron Points points Polygons polygons Polyhedra polyhedra Polyhedron polyhedron Prism prism Pyramid pyramid Quasiregular quasiregular Region region RegionFunction region function Rhombohedron rhombohedron Rigid rigid polyhedron SchlaefliSymbol Schläfli symbol SelfDual self‐dual polyhedron Shaky shaky polyhedron Simple simple Skeleton skeleton SpaceFilling space‐filling polyhedron StableFaceIndices stable face indices Stellation stellation StellationCount stellation count Stereohedron stereohedron SurfaceArea surface area SymmetryGroup symmetry group Trapezohedron trapezohedron Uniform uniform solid UniformDual uniform solid dual Unistable unistable UnstableFaceIndices unstable face indices VertexCoordinates vertex coordinates VertexCount vertex count VertexSubsetHulls vertex subset hulls Volume volume WythoffSymbol Wythoff symbol Zalgaller Zalgaller polyhedron Zonohedron zonohedron
- "Polyhedron" 实体包括普通固体,例如柏拉图固体和棱镜以及其他感兴趣的固体.
- "Polyhedron" 实体类包括多面体的常见数学类型,例如 "凸面"、"等边" 和 "柏拉图式".
- "Polyhedron" 实体被标准化,以便最小边缘总是具有单位长度. 大多数 "Polyhedron" 实体都可以使用数学属性,这些实体是众所周知的,或者是直接计算的. 某些参数化 "Polyhedron" 实体的属性可用于符号参数.
- 部分属性可用于作为整体的 "Polyhedron" 实体类型,并可用 EntityValue["Polyhedron",property]格式给出,此类属性包括:
"Properties" 可用属性列表 "PropertyCanonicalNames" 可用属性的标准名称 "SampleEntities" 可用实体的范例列表(通常长度为 10) "SampleEntityClasses" 可用实体类的范例列表(通常长度为 10) "EntityCount" 可用实体的数目 "Entities" 可用实体的列表 "EntityCanonicalNames" 可用实体的标准名称 "EntityClasses" 可用实体类的列表 "EntityClassCanonicalNames" 可用实体类的标准名称 "PropertyClasses" 可用属性分类的列表 "PropertyClassCanonicalNames" 可用属性分类的标准名称 "PropertyCount" 可用属性的数目 - 以下注释可用于 EntityValue["Polyhedron",property,annotation]的第三个参数中:
"EntityAssociation" 实体和实体-属性值的关联 "PropertyAssociation" 属性和实体-属性值的关联 "EntityPropertyAssociation" 此关联中,指定实体是键,值为属性和实体-属性值的嵌套关联 "PropertyEntityAssociation" 此关联中,指定属性是键,值为实体和实体-属性值的嵌套关联 "Dataset" 此数据集,指定实体是键和值为属性名称和实体-属性值的关联 - 以下注释可用于 EntityValue[property,annotation]的第二个参数中:
"Definition" 属性的详细文字定义