相关诠释器 »动物、植物、真菌及其他微生物的分类和物理数据.
Entity["TaxonomicSpecies",name] or
表示类型为 "TaxonomicSpecies" 的实体.
表示实体类,其中 propi 的值由 speci 定义.
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AlternateCommonNames alternate common names AlternateScientificNames alternate scientific names AnnualNumberOfHumanCasualties annual number of human casualities AquaticBiomes aquatic biomes AssociatedBodySites associated body sites AssociatedHumanDiseases associated human diseases BiogeographicRegions biogeographic regions Biomass biomass Biomes biomes Class class ClassCount class count ClassList class list Cohort cohort Colors colors CommonName common name ConservationStatus conservation status Division division Emoji emoji EntityTypeList entity type list Family family FamilyCount family count FamilyList family list FederalTEStatus federal threatened or endangered status Form form GenerationTime generation time Genus genus GenusCount genus count HabitatDepth habitat depth HabitatElevation habitat elevation HabitatRegions habitat regions Height height Hosts hosts Image image Infraclass infraclass Infraorder infraorder Kingdom kingdom KingdomCount kingdom count KingdomList kingdom list LatestYearOfPublication latest year of publication Length length Lifespan lifespan MaximumRecordedLength maximum recorded length MaximumRecordedLifespan maximum recorded lifespan MaximumRecordedWeight maximum recorded weight MaximumTemperatureTolerance maximum temperature tolerance MinimumTemperatureTolerance minimum temperature tolerance Name name NCBITaxonomyID NCBI Taxonomy ID NucleotideSequenceLength nucleotide sequence length NumberOfChildTaxa number of child taxa NumberOfChromosomes number of chromosomes ObservationCountries observation countries ObservationLocations observation locations ObservationOceans observation oceans Order order OrderCount order count OrderList order list OriginalYearOfPublication original year of publication ParentTaxon parent taxon Parvorder parvorder PhyleticGroups phyletic groups Phylum phylum PhylumCount phylum count PhylumList phylum list PrimaryTaxonomicSequence primary taxonomic sequence RefSeqAssemblyAccessionNumber RefSeq assembly accession number ScientificName scientific name Section section Series series SiblingTaxa sibling taxa Species species SpeciesAuthority species authority SpeciesCount species count SpeciesGroup species group SpeciesSubgroup species subgroup SpecificObservationLocations specific observation locations Subclass subclass Subcohort subcohort Subdivision subdivision Subfamily subfamily Subgenus subgenus Subkingdom subkingdom Suborder suborder Subphylum subphylum Subsection subsection Subspecies subspecies Subtribe subtribe Superclass superclass Superdivision superdivision Superfamily superfamily Superkingdom superkingdom Superorder superorder Superphylum superphylum TaxonomicLevel taxonomic level TaxonomicSequence taxonomic sequence TaxonomicSequenceList taxonomic sequence list TerrestrialBiomes terrestrial biomes Tribe tribe TrophicLevel trophic level Variety variety Weight weight WetlandBiomes wetland biomes WorldPopulation world population
- "TaxonomicSpecies" 生物实体包括多个分类级别,从界到各种亚种级别. 它们涵盖了超过一百万个分类单元,包括动物、植物、真菌、古细菌、细菌和病毒等.
- "TaxonomicSpecies" 实体类型在整体上具有一些属性,可以使用 EntityValue["TaxonomicSpecies",property] 形式给出. 这些属性包括:
"Properties" 可用属性列表 "PropertyCanonicalNames" 可用属性的标准名称 "SampleEntities" 可用实体的范例列表(通常长度为 10) "EntityCount" 可用实体的数目 "Entities" 可用实体列表 "EntityCanonicalNames" 可用实体的标准名称 "PropertyClasses" 可用属性类的列表 "PropertyClassCanonicalNames" 可用属性类的标准名称 "PropertyCount" 可用属性的数目 - 以下注释可用于 EntityValue["TaxonomicSpecies",property,annotation] 的第三个参数:
"Source" 属性的来源信息 "Date" 与实体-属性值相关的日期(如果有) "EntityAssociation" 实体和实体-属性值的关联 "PropertyAssociation" 属性和实体-属性值的关联 "EntityPropertyAssociation" 一个关联,其中指定的实体是键,值是属性和实体-属性值的嵌套关联 "PropertyEntityAssociation" 一个关联,其中指定的属性是键,值是实体和实体-属性值的嵌套关联 "Dataset" 一个数据集,其中指定的实体是键,值是属性名称和实体-属性值的关联 - 以下注释可用于 EntityValue[property,annotation] 的第二个参数:
"Qualifiers" 属性可能的限定词列表 "QualifierValues" 可以赋予每个限定词的可能值列表 "DefaultQualifierValues" 属性限定词的默认值列表 "Description" 属性的简要文本描述 "Definition" 属性的详细文本定义 "PhysicalQuantity" 与实体-属性值关联的物理量 "Unit" 与实体-属性值关联的单位 - 限定词值为 Automatic 表示可以使用值的适用格式;例如,对于 "Date" 的限定词,包括正确的日期或日期跨度.
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"TaxonomicSpecies" 实体类型是分层组织的:
查找 "TaxonomicSpecies" 实体类型的直接子项:
进一步找到 "TaxonomicSpecies"->"Eukaryote" 实体类型的子项:
查找特定于 "TaxonomicSpecies"->"Eukaryote"->"Animal" 实体类型的属性:
范围 (4)
属性类 (1)
查找实体类型 "TaxonomicSpecies" 可用的 "PropertyClasses":