MOL2 (.mol2)
Background & Context

- MIME type: chemical/x-mol2Tripos MOL2 molecule model files.
- Used in cheminformatics applications and on the web for storing and exchanging 3D molecule models.
- Native format of the SYBYL cheminformatics application.
- Plain text tabular format.
- Represents a single chemical compound or multiple chemical compounds.
- Stores atomic coordinates, chemical bond information, and metadata.
Import & Export

- Import["file.mol2"] imports a list of molecules from a MOL2 file.
- Export["file.mol2",expr] exports a molecule or list of molecules to a MOL2 file.
- Import["file.mol2",elem] imports the specified element from a MOL2 file.
- Import["file.mol2",{elem,suba,subb,…}] imports a subelement.
- Import["file.mol2",{{elem1,elem2,…}}] imports multiple elements.
- The import format can be specified with Import["file","MOL2"] or Import["file",{"MOL2",elem,…}].
- Export["file.mol2",mol] creates a MOL2 file by treating mol as a Molecule.
- Export["file.mol2",expr,elem] creates a MOL2 file by treating expr as specifying element elem.
- Export["file.mol2",{expr1,expr2,…},{{elem1,elem2,…}}] treats each expri as specifying the corresponding elemi.
- Export["file.mol2",expr,opt1->val1,…] exports expr with the specified option elements taken to have the specified values.
- Export["file.mol2",{elem1->expr1,elem2->expr2,…},"Rules"] uses rules to specify the elements to be exported.
- See the following reference pages for full general information:
Import, Export import from or export to a file CloudImport, CloudExport import from or export to a cloud object ImportString, ExportString import from or export to a string ImportByteArray, ExportByteArray import from or export to a byte array
Import Elements

- General Import elements:
"Elements" list of elements and options available in this file "Summary" summary of the file "Rules" list of rules for all available elements - Data elements:
"Molecule" a symbolic representation of the molecule model "Molecule", n symbolic representation of the n molecule
- Graphics elements:
"Graphics3D" 3D renderings of all molecule models stored in the file "Graphics3D", n 3D renderings of the n molecule
"StructureDiagram" 2D structure formula of all molecule models - Data representation elements:
"EdgeRules" connectivity data, given as a list of lists of rules "EdgeTypes" bond types, given as a list of lists of strings "VertexCoordinates" atomic coordinates, typically given in angstroms "VertexTypes" all atoms or groups constituting the molecule, typically given as a list of chemical element abbreviations "PartialCharges" electric charges of the atoms given as a list of reals "Residues" residue sequences, given as a list of lists of three-letter abbreviations "Sequence" residue sequences, given as a list of strings "ResidueAtoms" list of lists of residue atoms "ResidueCoordinates" 3D coordinates of residue atoms "ResidueCharges" charges of the atoms given by "ResidueAtoms" - Export["file.mol2",{vert,coord},{{"ResidueAtoms","ResidueCoordinates"}}] creates a MOL2 file from a specification of atom types and their 2D or 3D coordinates.

- General Import options:
ImageSize Automatic specifies the overall size of the graphics to display Background White specifies what background color to use ViewPoint Automatic point in space from which the 3D model is to be viewed - With the default setting "ViewPoint"->Automatic, the Wolfram Language automatically calculates the optimal viewing angle for the imported molecule geometry.
- Select a 3D rendering style:
"Rendering" "BallAndStick" specifies the visualization method - Possible settings for "Rendering" are:
"BallAndStick" displays atoms and bonds as a ball-and-stick model "Spacefilling" atoms shown as overlapping spheres "Wireframe" bonds rendered as lines
Basic Examples (2)
Import a MOL2 file as a molecule:
Show the Import elements available in a MOL2 file:
This gives a list of atoms that constitute a molecule:
Import the molecule and render it as a structure diagram:
This gives the residue atom types and their 3D coordinates for all molecules in this file:
This creates a MOL2 file from the previous output (the default value for the residue name is "Unk"; the default atom charge is 0):