Listing of All Formats
The Wolfram Language supports many formats, with many subformats, variants, and options.
"3DS" — 3D Studio format (.3ds)
"7z" — 7z compression and archival format (.7z)
"ACO" — Adobe color palette format (.aco)
"Affymetrix" — Affymetrix microarray formats (.cel, .cdf, .chp, .gin, .psi)
"AgilentMicroarray" — Agilent microarray data format (.txt)
"AIFF" — AIFF Macintosh sound format (.aif, .aiff)
"ApacheLog" — Apache access log file format
"ArcGRID" — ESRI GIS format
"ArrowDataset" — multi-file columnar data format
"ArrowIPC" — Arrow IPC columnar data format
"AU" — μ law encoding Unix Audio Format (.au)
"AVI" — Microsoft AVI format (.avi)
"Base64" — Base64 ASCII encoding
"BDF" — BDF physiological signal recordings format (.bdf)
"Binary" — sequence of binary data types
"Bit" — sequence of binary bits
"BMP" — Microsoft bitmap format (.bmp)
"BSON" — JSON-like binary format (.bson)
"Byte" — sequence of 8-bit unsigned integers
"BYU" — BYU 3D geometry format (.byu)
"BZIP2" — bzip2 compression format (.bz2)
"C" — C code generation (.c)
"CDED" — Canadian digital elevation data (.dem)
"CDF" — Wolfram Computable Document Format (.cdf)
"CDX" — ChemDraw Exchange format (.cdx)
"CDXML" — ChemDraw Exchange XML format (.cdxml)
"Character8" — sequence of 8-bit characters
"Character16" — sequence of 16-bit Unicode characters
"CIF" — CIF molecular model format (.cif)
"CML" — Chemical Markup Language (.cml)
"Complex64" — IEEE single-precision complex numbers
"Complex128" — IEEE double-precision complex numbers
"Complex256" — IEEE quad-precision complex numbers
"CSV" — comma-separated values (.csv)
"Cube" — Gaussian Cube file (.cub)
"CUR" — Windows cursor resource format (.cur)
"DAE" — COLLADA digital asset exchange format (.dae)
"DBF" — dBase database file (.dbf)
"DICOM" — DICOM medical image format (.dcm, .dic)
"DICOMDIR" — directory of DICOM files (DICOMDIR)
"DIF" — VisiCalc data interchange format (.dif)
"DIMACS" — DIMACS graph data format (.col, .col.b)
"Directory" — filesystem directory hierarchy
"DOCX" — Microsoft Word format import
"DOT" — DOT graph data format (.gv, .dot)
"DTA" — Stata database transport format (.dta)
"DXF" — AutoCAD 2D and 3D format (.dxf)
"EDF" — EDF physiological signal recordings format (.edf)
"EML" — mail message format
"EPS" — Encapsulated PostScript (.eps)
"ExpressionJSON" — JSON for representing expressions (.json)
"ExpressionML" — Wolfram Language expression XML format (.xml)
"FASTA" — bioinformatics sequence format (.fasta, .fa, .fsa, .mpfa)
"FASTQ" — FASTQ molecular biology format (.fastq, .fq)
"FCHK" — Formatted Checkpoint file (.fchk)
"FCS" — FCS molecular biology format (.fcs, .lmd)
"FITS" — FITS astronomical data and image format (.fit, .fits)
"FLAC" — FLAC lossless audio codec (.flac)
"FLV" — Adobe/Macromedia Flash video format (.flv)
"FMU" — FMI model and simulation exchange format (.fmu)
"GaussianLog" — Gaussian log file (.log)
"GenBank" — GenBank molecular biology format (.gb, .gbk)
"GeoJSON" — geographic data format based on JSON (.geojson)
"GeoTIFF" — annotated TIFF raster files (.tif)
"GIF" — static or animated GIF (.gif)
"GPX" — GPX global positioning data format (.gpx)
"Graph6" — dense graph format (.g6)
"Graphlet" — GML graph data (.gml)
"GraphML" — GraphML graph format (.graphml)
"GRIB" — GRIB scientific data format (.grb, .grib)
"GTOPO30" — USGS global topographic data (.dem)
"GXL" — GXL graph data (.gxl)
"GZIP" — Unix GZIP compression (.gz)
"HarwellBoeing" — Harwell–Boeing sparse matrix format
"HDF" — NCSA hierarchical data format (.hdf)
"HDF5" — NCSA HDF 5 hierarchical data format (.h5)
"HEIF" — High Efficiency Image Format (.heic, .heif)
"HIN" — HyperChen HIN data format (.hin)
"HTML" — HTML format (.htm, .html), including embedded GIFs, CSS, etc.
"HTMLFragment" — HTML fragment (.htm, .html)
"HTTPRequest" — HTTP request as transmitted to a web server
"HTTPResponse" — HTTP response as generated by a web server
"ICC" — ICC color profile format (.icc, .icm)
"ICO" — Windows icon resource format (.ico)
"ICS" — iCalendar format (.ics, .ical, .ifb)
"ICNS" — Macintosh icons format (.icns)
"Ini" — key-value configuration format (.ini)
"Integer8" — sequence of 8-bit signed integers
"Integer16" — sequence of 16-bit signed integers
"Integer24" — sequence of 24-bit signed integers
"Integer32" — sequence of 32-bit signed integers
"Integer64" — sequence of 64-bit signed integers
"Integer128" — sequence of 128-bit signed integers
"ISO" — ISO archival format (.iso)
"JavaProperties" — Java key-value format (.properties)
"JavaScriptExpression" — JSON with objects as associations (.json)
"JCAMP-DX" — chemical spectroscopy format (.jdx, .dx, .jcm)
"JPEG" — JPEG raster image format (.jpeg, .jpg)
"JPEG2000" — JPEG 2000/JP2 raster image format (.jp2, .j2k)
"JVX" — JavaView format (.jvx)
"JSON" — JSON web service description (.json)
"KML" — Google Earth GIS format (.kml, .kmz)
"LaTeX" — LaTeX format (.latex)
"LEDA" — LEDA graph data format (.gw, .lgr)
"List" — numbers or strings, one per line
"LWO" — LightWave 3D file format (.lwo)
"MAT" — MATLAB/Octave data format (.mat)
"Markdown" — markdown (.md) format
"MathML" — MathML math content format
"Matroska" — Matroska multimedia container format (.mkv)
"Maya" — Maya entity files (.ma)
"MBOX" — MBOX Unix mailbox format (.mbox)
"MCTT" — Modelica "CombiTimeTable" data format (.txt)
"MDB" — Microsoft Access database file (.mdb)
"MGF" — Wolfram Mathematica MGF bitmap format (.mgf)
"MIDI" — MIDI music format (.mid)
"MMCIF" — MMCIF 3D molecular model format (.cif)
"MO" — Modelica model format (.mo)
"MOBI" — Mobipocket ebook format import
"MOL" — MDL MOL molecular models and drawings format (.mol)
"MOL2" — Tripos MOL2 format (.mol2)
"MP3" — MP3 audio format (.mp3)
"MP4" — MPEG-4 Part 14 video format (.mp4)
"MPS" — MPS linear programming system format (.mps)
"MTP" — Minitab portable worksheet format (.mtp)
"MTX" — Matrix Market sparse matrix format (.mtx)
"MX" — Wolfram Language serialized package format (.mx)
"MXNet" — MXNet net representation format (.json, .params)
"NASACDF" — NASA common data format (.cdf)
"NB" — Wolfram Notebook format (.nb)
"NDK" — NDK seismographic data format (.ndk)
"NetCDF" — Unidata scientific data format
"NEXUS" — NEXUS phylogenetic format (.nex, .nxs)
"NOFF" — 3D object file format with normals (.noff, .cnoff)
"OBJ" — Wavefront OBJ format (.obj)
"ODS" — OpenDocument spreadsheet format (.ods)
"OFF" — 3D object file format (.off, .coff)
"Ogg" — Ogg multimedia container format (.ogg)
"OpenEXR" — OpenEXR raster image format (.exr)
"ORC" — Optimized Row Columnar data format
"Pajek" — Pajek graph data format (.net)
"Parquet" — Apache Parquet format
"PBM" — ASCII portable bitmap format (.pbm)
"PCAP" — Network packet capture format (.pcap)
"PCX" — Windows Paintbrush format (.pcx)
"PDB" — Protein Data Bank format (.pdb)
"PDF" — Adobe Acrobat PDF format (.pdf)
"PGM" — ASCII portable graymap format (.pgm)
"PHPIni" — PHP-enabled configuration format (.ini)
"PLY" — PLY 3D geometry format (.ply)
"PNG" — PNG raster image format (.png)
"PNM" — ASCII portable raster format (.pnm)
"POR" — SPSS database transport format (.por)
"POV" — POV-Ray ray-tracing object description format (.pov)
"PPM" — ASCII portable color pixmap format (.ppm)
"PXR" — Pixar raster format (.pxr)
"PythonExpression" — Python data format (.py)
"QuickTime" — Apple QuickTime multimedia container format (.mov)
"RAR" — RAR compression and archival format (.rar)
"Raw" — raw image format
"RawBitmap" — pure binary bitmap data
"RawJSON" — JSON with objects as associations (.json)
"RData" — R data format family import
"RDS" — R data format family import
"Real32" — IEEE single-precision real numbers
"Real64" — IEEE double-precision real numbers
"Real128" — IEEE quad-precision real numbers
"RIB" — Renderman interchange format (.rib)
"RLE" — run-length encoding (.rle)
"RSS" — RSS feed format (.rss)
"RTF" — Microsoft Rich Text Format (.rtf)
"SAS7BDAT" — SAS database transport format (.sas7bdat)
"SAV" — SPSS database transport format (.sav, .zsav)
"SCT" — Scitex CT prepress format (.sct)
"SDF" — MDL SDF format (.sdf)
"SDTS" — SDTS DLG and DEM spatial data files
"SDTSDEM" — digital elevation files
"SFF" — SFF molecular biology format (.sff)
"SHP" — ESRI shape file format (.shp)
"SMA" — SystemModeler model archive format (.sma)
"SME" — SystemModeler experiment format (.sme)
"SMILES" — SMILES chemical format (.smi)
"SND" — SND file format (.snd)
"SP3" — geospatial data format (.sp3)
"Sparse6" — sparse graph format (.s6)
"STL" — stereolithography format (.stl)
"String" — arbitrary data as a Wolfram Language string
"SVG" — Scalable Vector Graphics format (.svg)
"SurferGrid" — geospatial data format (.grd)
"SXC" — OpenOffice 1.0 spreadsheet file (.sxc)
"Table" — arbitrary tabular data (.dat)
"TAR" — Unix TAR archive (.tar)
"TerminatedString" — null-terminated string
"TeX" — TeX document format (.tex)
"TeXFragment" — TeX fragment
"Text" — plain text (.txt)
"TGA" — TrueVision Targa format (.tga)
"TIGER" — TIGER/Line GIS format
"TLE" — TLE satellite data format (.tle, .tce)
"TGF" — TGF graph format (.tgf)
"TIFF" — TIFF raster image format (.tiff, .tif)
"TSV" — tab-separated values (.tsv)
"UBJSON" — Universal Binary JSON format (.ubj)
"UnsignedInteger8" — sequence of 8-bit unsigned integers
"UnsignedInteger16" — sequence of 16-bit unsigned integers
"UnsignedInteger24" — sequence of 24-bit unsigned integers
"UnsignedInteger32" — sequence of 32-bit unsigned integers
"UnsignedInteger64" — sequence of 64-bit unsigned integers
"UnsignedInteger128" — sequence of 128-bit unsigned integers
"USGSDEM" — USGS ASCII DEM digital elevation file (.dem)
"UUE" — Unix uuencode format (.uue, .enc)
"VCF" — vCard format (.vcf)
"VCS" — vCalendar format (.vcs)
"VideoFrames" — sequence of raster images
"VRML" — Virtual Reality Modeling Language format (.vrml)
"VTK" — Visualization Toolkit 3D format (.vtk)
"WARC" — Web ARChive format (.warc)
"WAV" — Microsoft WAV audio format (.wav)
"Wave64" — Sony Wave64 audio format (.w64)
"WDX" — Wolfram data exchange format (.wdx)
"WebP" — WebP raster image format (.webp)
"WL" — Wolfram Language package source (.wl)
"WMLF" — Wolfram machine learning format (.wmlf)
"WLNet" — Wolfram Language neural net format (.wlnet)
"WXF" — Wolfram exchange format (.wxf)
"X3D" — X3D XML geometry format (.x3d)
"XBM" — X bitmap format (.xbm)
"XHTML" — XML-syntax HTML (.xhtml)
"XHTMLMathML" — XHTML with embedded MathML
"XLS" — Excel spreadsheet format (.xls)
"XLSX" — Microsoft Excel 2007 format (.xlsx)
"XML" — arbitrary XML (.xml)
"XPORT" — SAS interchange format (.stx, .xpt)
"XYZ" — XYZ molecule geometry file (.xyz)
"ZIP" — Windows ZIP archive (.zip)
"ZPR" — Z Corp 3D printer format (.zpr)
"ZSTD" — Zstandard format (.zstd)