Listing of All Formats

The Wolfram Language supports many formats, with many subformats, variants, and options.

"3DS" 3D Studio format (.3ds)

"7z" 7z compression and archival format (.7z)

"ACO" Adobe color palette format (.aco)

"Affymetrix" Affymetrix microarray formats (.cel, .cdf, .chp, .gin, .psi)

"AgilentMicroarray" Agilent microarray data format (.txt)

"AIFF" AIFF Macintosh sound format (.aif, .aiff)

"ApacheLog" Apache access log file format

"ArcGRID" ESRI GIS format

"ArrowDataset" multi-file columnar data format

"ArrowIPC" Arrow IPC columnar data format

"AU" μ law encoding Unix Audio Format (.au)

"AVI" Microsoft AVI format (.avi)

"Base64" Base64 ASCII encoding

"BDF" BDF physiological signal recordings format (.bdf)

"Binary" sequence of binary data types

"Bit" sequence of binary bits

"BMP" Microsoft bitmap format (.bmp)

"BSON" JSON-like binary format (.bson)

"Byte" sequence of 8-bit unsigned integers

"BYU" BYU 3D geometry format (.byu)

"BZIP2" bzip2 compression format (.bz2)

"C" C code generation (.c)

"CDED" Canadian digital elevation data (.dem)

"CDF" Wolfram Computable Document Format (.cdf)

"CDX" ChemDraw Exchange format (.cdx)

"CDXML" ChemDraw Exchange XML format (.cdxml)

"Character8" sequence of 8-bit characters

"Character16" sequence of 16-bit Unicode characters

"CIF" CIF molecular model format (.cif)

"CML" Chemical Markup Language (.cml)

"Complex64" IEEE single-precision complex numbers

"Complex128" IEEE double-precision complex numbers

"Complex256" IEEE quad-precision complex numbers

"CSV" comma-separated values (.csv)

"Cube" Gaussian Cube file (.cub)

"CUR" Windows cursor resource format (.cur)

"DAE" COLLADA digital asset exchange format (.dae)

"DBF" dBase database file (.dbf)

"DICOM" DICOM medical image format (.dcm, .dic)

"DICOMDIR" directory of DICOM files (DICOMDIR)

"DIF" VisiCalc data interchange format (.dif)

"DIMACS" DIMACS graph data format (.col, .col.b)

"Directory" filesystem directory hierarchy

"DOCX" Microsoft Word format import

"DOT" DOT graph data format (.gv, .dot)

"DTA" Stata database transport format (.dta)

"DXF" AutoCAD 2D and 3D format (.dxf)

"EDF" EDF physiological signal recordings format (.edf)

"EML" mail message format

"EPS" Encapsulated PostScript (.eps)

"ExpressionJSON" JSON for representing expressions (.json)

"ExpressionML" Wolfram Language expression XML format (.xml)

"FASTA" bioinformatics sequence format (.fasta, .fa, .fsa, .mpfa)

"FASTQ" FASTQ molecular biology format (.fastq, .fq)

"FCHK" Formatted Checkpoint file (.fchk)

"FCS" FCS molecular biology format (.fcs, .lmd)

"FITS" FITS astronomical data and image format (.fit, .fits)

"FLAC" FLAC lossless audio codec (.flac)

"FLV" Adobe/Macromedia Flash video format (.flv)

"FMU" FMI model and simulation exchange format (.fmu)

"GaussianLog" Gaussian log file (.log)

"GenBank" GenBank molecular biology format (.gb, .gbk)

"GeoJSON" geographic data format based on JSON (.geojson)

"GeoTIFF" annotated TIFF raster files (.tif)

"GIF" static or animated GIF (.gif)

"GPX" GPX global positioning data format (.gpx)

"Graph6" dense graph format (.g6)

"Graphlet" GML graph data (.gml)

"GraphML" GraphML graph format (.graphml)

"GRIB" GRIB scientific data format (.grb, .grib)

"GTOPO30" USGS global topographic data (.dem)

"GXL" GXL graph data (.gxl)

"GZIP" Unix GZIP compression (.gz)

"HarwellBoeing" HarwellBoeing sparse matrix format

"HDF" NCSA hierarchical data format (.hdf)

"HDF5" NCSA HDF 5 hierarchical data format (.h5)

"HEIF" High Efficiency Image Format (.heic, .heif)

"HIN" HyperChen HIN data format (.hin)

"HTML" HTML format (.htm, .html), including embedded GIFs, CSS, etc.

"HTMLFragment" HTML fragment (.htm, .html)

"HTTPRequest" HTTP request as transmitted to a web server

"HTTPResponse" HTTP response as generated by a web server

"ICC" ICC color profile format (.icc, .icm)

"ICO" Windows icon resource format (.ico)

"ICS" iCalendar format (.ics, .ical, .ifb)

"ICNS" Macintosh icons format (.icns)

"Ini" key-value configuration format (.ini)

"Integer8" sequence of 8-bit signed integers

"Integer16" sequence of 16-bit signed integers

"Integer24" sequence of 24-bit signed integers

"Integer32" sequence of 32-bit signed integers

"Integer64" sequence of 64-bit signed integers

"Integer128" sequence of 128-bit signed integers

"ISO" ISO archival format (.iso)

"JavaProperties" Java key-value format (.properties)

"JavaScriptExpression" JSON with objects as associations (.json)

"JCAMP-DX" chemical spectroscopy format (.jdx, .dx, .jcm)

"JPEG" JPEG raster image format (.jpeg, .jpg)

"JPEG2000" JPEG 2000/JP2 raster image format (.jp2, .j2k)

"JVX" JavaView format (.jvx)

"JSON" JSON web service description (.json)

"KML" Google Earth GIS format (.kml, .kmz)

"LaTeX" LaTeX format (.latex)

"LEDA" LEDA graph data format (.gw, .lgr)

"List" numbers or strings, one per line

"LWO" LightWave 3D file format (.lwo)

"MAT" MATLAB/Octave data format (.mat)

"Markdown" markdown (.md) format

"MathML" MathML math content format

"Matroska" Matroska multimedia container format (.mkv)

"Maya" Maya entity files (.ma)

"MBOX" MBOX Unix mailbox format (.mbox)

"MCTT" Modelica "CombiTimeTable" data format (.txt)

"MDB" Microsoft Access database file (.mdb)

"MGF" Wolfram Mathematica MGF bitmap format (.mgf)

"MIDI" MIDI music format (.mid)

"MMCIF" MMCIF 3D molecular model format (.cif)

"MO" Modelica model format (.mo)

"MOBI" Mobipocket ebook format import

"MOL" MDL MOL molecular models and drawings format (.mol)

"MOL2" Tripos MOL2 format (.mol2)

"MP3" MP3 audio format (.mp3)

"MP4" MPEG-4 Part 14 video format (.mp4)

"MPS" MPS linear programming system format (.mps)

"MTP" Minitab portable worksheet format (.mtp)

"MTX" Matrix Market sparse matrix format (.mtx)

"MX" Wolfram Language serialized package format (.mx)

"MXNet" MXNet net representation format (.json, .params)

"NASACDF" NASA common data format (.cdf)

"NB" Wolfram Notebook format (.nb)

"NDK" NDK seismographic data format (.ndk)

"NetCDF" Unidata scientific data format

"NEXUS" NEXUS phylogenetic format (.nex, .nxs)

"NOFF" 3D object file format with normals (.noff, .cnoff)

"OBJ" Wavefront OBJ format (.obj)

"ODS" OpenDocument spreadsheet format (.ods)

"OFF" 3D object file format (.off, .coff)

"Ogg" Ogg multimedia container format (.ogg)

"OpenEXR" OpenEXR raster image format (.exr)

"ORC" Optimized Row Columnar data format

"Pajek" Pajek graph data format (.net)

"Parquet" Apache Parquet format

"PBM" ASCII portable bitmap format (.pbm)

"PCAP" Network packet capture format (.pcap)

"PCX" Windows Paintbrush format (.pcx)

"PDB" Protein Data Bank format (.pdb)

"PDF" Adobe Acrobat PDF format (.pdf)

"PGM" ASCII portable graymap format (.pgm)

"PHPIni" PHP-enabled configuration format (.ini)

"PLY" PLY 3D geometry format (.ply)

"PNG" PNG raster image format (.png)

"PNM" ASCII portable raster format (.pnm)

"POR" SPSS database transport format (.por)

"POV" POV-Ray ray-tracing object description format (.pov)

"PPM" ASCII portable color pixmap format (.ppm)

"PXR" Pixar raster format (.pxr)

"PythonExpression" Python data format (.py)

"QuickTime" Apple QuickTime multimedia container format (.mov)

"RAR" RAR compression and archival format (.rar)

"Raw" raw image format

"RawBitmap" pure binary bitmap data

"RawJSON" JSON with objects as associations (.json)

"RData" R data format family import

"RDS" R data format family import

"Real32" IEEE single-precision real numbers

"Real64" IEEE double-precision real numbers

"Real128" IEEE quad-precision real numbers

"RIB" Renderman interchange format (.rib)

"RLE" run-length encoding (.rle)

"RSS" RSS feed format (.rss)

"RTF" Microsoft Rich Text Format (.rtf)

"SAS7BDAT" SAS database transport format (.sas7bdat)

"SAV" SPSS database transport format (.sav, .zsav)

"SCT" Scitex CT prepress format (.sct)

"SDF" MDL SDF format (.sdf)

"SDTS" SDTS DLG and DEM spatial data files

"SDTSDEM" digital elevation files

"SFF" SFF molecular biology format (.sff)

"SHP" ESRI shape file format (.shp)

"SMA" SystemModeler model archive format (.sma)

"SME" SystemModeler experiment format (.sme)

"SMILES" SMILES chemical format (.smi)

"SND" SND file format (.snd)

"SP3" geospatial data format (.sp3)

"Sparse6" sparse graph format (.s6)

"STL" stereolithography format (.stl)

"String" arbitrary data as a Wolfram Language string

"SVG" Scalable Vector Graphics format (.svg)

"SurferGrid" geospatial data format (.grd)

"SXC" OpenOffice 1.0 spreadsheet file (.sxc)

"Table" arbitrary tabular data (.dat)

"TAR" Unix TAR archive (.tar)

"TerminatedString" null-terminated string

"TeX" TeX document format (.tex)

"TeXFragment" TeX fragment

"Text" plain text (.txt)

"TGA" TrueVision Targa format (.tga)

"TIGER" TIGER/Line GIS format

"TLE" TLE satellite data format (.tle, .tce)

"TGF" TGF graph format (.tgf)

"TIFF" TIFF raster image format (.tiff, .tif)

"TSV" tab-separated values (.tsv)

"UBJSON" Universal Binary JSON format (.ubj)

"UnsignedInteger8" sequence of 8-bit unsigned integers

"UnsignedInteger16" sequence of 16-bit unsigned integers

"UnsignedInteger24" sequence of 24-bit unsigned integers

"UnsignedInteger32" sequence of 32-bit unsigned integers

"UnsignedInteger64" sequence of 64-bit unsigned integers

"UnsignedInteger128" sequence of 128-bit unsigned integers

"USGSDEM" USGS ASCII DEM digital elevation file (.dem)

"UUE" Unix uuencode format (.uue, .enc)

"VCF" vCard format (.vcf)

"VCS" vCalendar format (.vcs)

"VideoFrames" sequence of raster images

"VRML" Virtual Reality Modeling Language format (.vrml)

"VTK" Visualization Toolkit 3D format (.vtk)

"WARC" Web ARChive format (.warc)

"WAV" Microsoft WAV audio format (.wav)

"Wave64" Sony Wave64 audio format (.w64)

"WDX" Wolfram data exchange format (.wdx)

"WebP" WebP raster image format (.webp)

"WL" Wolfram Language package source (.wl)

"WMLF" Wolfram machine learning format (.wmlf)

"WLNet" Wolfram Language neural net format (.wlnet)

"WXF" Wolfram exchange format (.wxf)

"X3D" X3D XML geometry format (.x3d)

"XBM" X bitmap format (.xbm)

"XHTML" XML-syntax HTML (.xhtml)

"XHTMLMathML" XHTML with embedded MathML

"XLS" Excel spreadsheet format (.xls)

"XLSX" Microsoft Excel 2007 format (.xlsx)

"XML" arbitrary XML (.xml)

"XPORT" SAS interchange format (.stx, .xpt)

"XYZ" XYZ molecule geometry file (.xyz)

"ZIP" Windows ZIP archive (.zip)

"ZPR" Z Corp 3D printer format (.zpr)

"ZSTD" Zstandard format (.zstd)