Edit ▶ Find...
searches the current notebook for matches to the text contained in the Find: field of the dialog box.

- Once a match is found in the notebook, choosing Replace in the Find dialog box replaces the selected match with the new text contained in the Replace with: field.
- The following choices may be made in the Find dialog box:
Find Next search forward for the next occurrence Find Previous search backward for the next occurrence Match case conduct a case-sensitive search Wrap around wrap search through end back to starting point - Once your search string has been entered, it can be used by all the commands in the Find menu, including Find Next, Replace, Replace All, and Replace & Find Next. Edit ▶ Enter Selection is a convenient way to copy text from your notebook into the Find dialog box.
- The Find dialog box searches the contents of cells only. Use Cell ▶ Cell Tags ▶ Find Cell Tag to search cell tags.