

monitorlm monitors MathLM running on a server


monitorlm servername [-file file] [-format f] [-localtime] [-template]

monitorlm servername [-health]


monitorlm gives information on the total number of licenses available and checked out, the fully qualified domain name and username of those who have them checked out, and so on.


License Usage Report

Obtain a summary of server status and a detailed listing of in-use licenses in a textual format:

$ monitorlm -format text
Online help is available at

MathLM Version 11.2 
MathLM Server 
Date : Thursday, August 29 2017 14:11:59 

License Usage Summary:
                            License    Total    Total
Program                        Class    in Use    Authorized

Mathematica                    A        2        20
MathKernel                    A        4        40

Sub Mathematica                A        0        80
Sub MathKernel                A        0        80

Licenses in Use:
Program            Version        Class    Username    Hostname            Duration
Mathematica        11.1            A        username    08:49
Mathematica        11.2            A        username    06:33
MathKernel        11.1            A        username    08:44
MathKernel        11.2            A        username    06:52
MathKernel        11.2            A        username    06:52
MathKernel        11.2            A        username    06:30

Server Health Check

Check the status of a server:

$ monitorlm -health
Health check: Server is healthy


-file file Specify the file to which output should be directed.

-format format Specify the format for the output of monitorlm.

-health Perform a health check on the server and exit immediately. Returns an exit code of 0 for a successful health check and 1 otherwise.

-localtime Specify that all given times should be in local time instead of GMT.

-template file Specify a file that acts as a template for the output of monitorlm.


If servername is not specified, monitorlm defaults to the local machine.

monitorlm supports both IPv4 and IPv6 environments with no additional configuration required.

Possible formats when using -format are:

  • textsend output in text format to stdout
    htmlsend output in HTML format to a temporary file and launch a web browser to display the file
    cgisend output in HTML format to stdout (used when called directly from a web browser)
  • If -health is set, all other options are ignored.