Publish a document that can be viewed and operated by anyone with the free desktop Wolfram CDF Player or iOS Wolfram Player app.
Create an interactive notebook
Create a notebook with interactive content:

- See Build a Manipulate for information on how to create interactive content.
Save the notebook as a CDF document
Choose File ▶ CDF Preview to preview the document as a CDF, then export the preview as a CDF:

Verify that the CDF was properly deployed
View the CDF document with Wolfram Desktop, Wolfram CDF Player, the iOS Wolfram Player or in the Wolfram Cloud:

Deploy a CDF
Deploy a CDF directly with CDFDeploy:

Verify that the CDF was properly deployed
View the CDF document with Wolfram Desktop, Wolfram CDF Player, the iOS Wolfram Player or in the Wolfram Cloud:

Deploy a CDF
Deploy a CDF directly with CDFDeploy:

Verify that the CDF was properly deployed
View the CDF document with Wolfram Desktop, Wolfram CDF Player, the iOS Wolfram Player or in the Wolfram Cloud:

Deploy a CDF
Deploy a CDF directly with CDFDeploy:

Verify that the CDF was properly deployed
View the CDF document with Wolfram Desktop, Wolfram CDF Player, the iOS Wolfram Player or in the Wolfram Cloud: