Use the Manipulate Interface
Create a Manipulate
Here is a simple Manipulate for exploring kaleidoscopic patterns of digits:

Operate controls to explore Manipulate content
Drag the sliders and choose from the drop-down menu to explore digit patterns:

- Press
while dragging a slider for fine control. Press
for even finer control.
Enter a slider value numerically
To enter an exact value for a slider, click the plus icon () to the right of the slider and type a value in the input field followed by

Animate a slider
Put a slider in motion by clicking the plus icon () to the right of the slider and clicking the Play button (
). You can operate the other controls while the slider is moving:

- You can animate more than one slider at the same time.
Add a bookmark
As you explore with a Manipulate, you can bookmark interesting combinations of settings with ▶ Add To Bookmarks:

Return to a bookmarked setting
To return to a bookmarked setting, choose the bookmark from the Bookmarks/Autorun () menu:

Restore initial settings
To restore the initial Manipulate settings, choose ▶ Initial Settings:

Get a snapshot
Extract an expression that will yield the current content of a Manipulate by choosing ▶ Paste Snapshot: