PIDControlledCraneCrab crane with PID-controller |
This model requires the PlanarMechanics library.
Alternative control scheme from the InversionControlledCrane model. Uses a PID Controller that has been tuned using the accompanying Wolfram Language notebook.
In order to get the full experience of this example, you need a desktop Wolfram Language product. A free trial download is available at www.wolfram.com/mathematica/trial/
For the full example, open the accompanying notebook ModelInversionControl.nb.
pulsePeriod |
Value: 20 Type: Time (s) Description: Period of the input pulse, position switches every half period |
inputFilter |
Value: 0.2 Type: Frequency (Hz) Description: Cut-off frequency of the input filter, higher values give sharper movement |
crane_I |
Value: 0.5 Type: Inertia (kg⋅m²) Description: Inertia of the physical crane body |
k_PID |
Value: 292.758 Type: Real Description: Proportional gain of corrective controller |
Ti_PID |
Value: 2.06238 Type: Real Description: Time constant of integrative part of corrective controller |
Td_PID |
Value: 0.919468 Type: Real Description: Time constant of derivative part of corrective controller |
initType |
Value: Modelica.Blocks.Types.Init.SteadyState Type: Init Description: Type of initialization used for PID controller |
filter |
Type: Filter Description: Input signal filter, smoothing the signal. |
reference |
Type: Pulse Description: Load position reference, going back and forth between 0 and 1 meters along the X-axis. |
planarWorld |
Type: PlanarWorld Description: Coordinate system. |
crane |
Type: CraneCrabDamped Description: Crab crane setup. |
feedback |
Type: Feedback Description: Corrective closed loop feedback of crane position |
feedbackController |
Type: PID Description: Corrective PID-controller |