DevicesDevices using I2C protocol |
I2C driver for the AHT10 temperature and humidity sensor |
I2C driver for the BMP180 temperature sensor |
I2C driver for the LSM6DS3 acceleration and gyroscope sensor |
I2C driver for the BMI160 acceleration and gyroscope sensor |
This library allows writing to an I2C screen (128x32) using the SSD1306 driver |
This package contains a collection of sensors that use the I2C protocol. The code of these sensors is written using the ModelPlug I2C library.
I2C devices are connected to a shared bus. This makes possible connecting different sensors using the same pins. The I2C pins vary depending on the Arduino board. You can consult the Wire library documentation to find the pins that you need to use: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/Wire