ConstantsLibrary of mathematical constants and constants of nature (e.g., pi, eps, R, sigma) |
![]() |
e |
Value: Modelica.Math.exp(1.0) Type: Real |
pi |
Value: 2 * Modelica.Math.asin(1.0) Type: Real |
D2R |
Value: pi / 180 Type: Real Description: Degree to Radian |
R2D |
Value: 180 / pi Type: Real Description: Radian to Degree |
gamma |
Value: 0.57721566490153286061 Type: Real Description: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_constant |
eps |
Value: ModelicaServices.Machine.eps Type: Real Description: Biggest number such that 1.0 + eps = 1.0 |
small |
Value: ModelicaServices.Machine.small Type: Real Description: Smallest number such that small and -small are representable on the machine |
inf |
Value: ModelicaServices.Machine.inf Type: Real Description: Biggest Real number such that inf and -inf are representable on the machine |
Integer_inf |
Value: ModelicaServices.Machine.Integer_inf Type: Integer Description: Biggest Integer number such that Integer_inf and -Integer_inf are representable on the machine |
c |
Value: 299792458 Type: Velocity (m/s) Description: Speed of light in vacuum |
g_n |
Value: 9.80665 Type: Acceleration (m/s²) Description: Standard acceleration of gravity on earth |
G |
Value: 6.67430e-11 Type: Real (m³/(kg⋅s²)) Description: Newtonian constant of gravitation |
q |
Value: 1.602176634e-19 Type: ElectricCharge (C) Description: Elementary charge |
F |
Value: q * N_A Type: FaradayConstant (C/mol) Description: Faraday constant, C/mol |
h |
Value: 6.62607015e-34 Type: Real (J⋅s) Description: Planck constant |
k |
Value: 1.380649e-23 Type: Real (J/K) Description: Boltzmann constant |
R |
Value: k * N_A Type: Real (J/(mol⋅K)) Description: Molar gas constant |
sigma |
Value: 2 * pi ^ 5 * k ^ 4 / (15 * h ^ 3 * c ^ 2) Type: Real (W/(m²⋅K⁴)) Description: Stefan-Boltzmann constant |
N_A |
Value: 6.02214076e23 Type: Real (1/mol) Description: Avogadro constant |
mu_0 |
Value: 4 * pi * 1.00000000055e-7 Type: Real (N/A²) Description: Magnetic constant |
epsilon_0 |
Value: 1 / (mu_0 * c * c) Type: Real (F/m) Description: Electric constant |
T_zero |
Value: -273.15 Type: Temperature_degC (°C) Description: Absolute zero temperature |
This information is part of the Modelica Standard Library maintained by the Modelica Association.
This package provides often needed constants from mathematics, machine dependent constants and constants from nature. The latter constants (name, value, description) are from the following source (based on the second source):
BIPM is Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (they publish the SI-standard).
CODATA is the Committee on Data for Science and Technology.
Copyright © 1998-2020, Modelica Association and contributors