MediumUsed medium package |
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ThermoStates |
Value: Modelica.Media.Interfaces.Choices.IndependentVariables.pTX Type: IndependentVariables Description: Enumeration type for independent variables |
mediumName |
Value: "Moist air" Type: String Description: Name of the medium |
substanceNames |
Value: {"water", "air"} Type: String[:] Description: Names of the mixture substances. Set substanceNames={mediumName} if only one substance. |
extraPropertiesNames |
Value: fill("", 0) Type: String[:] Description: Names of the additional (extra) transported properties. Set extraPropertiesNames=fill("",0) if unused |
singleState |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: = true, if u and d are not a function of pressure |
reducedX |
Value: true Type: Boolean Description: = true if medium contains the equation sum(X) = 1.0; set reducedX=true if only one substance (see docu for details) |
fixedX |
Value: false Type: Boolean Description: = true if medium contains the equation X = reference_X |
reference_p |
Value: 101325 Type: AbsolutePressure (Pa) Description: Reference pressure of Medium: default 1 atmosphere |
reference_T |
Value: 298.15 Type: Temperature (K) Description: Reference temperature of Medium: default 25 deg Celsius |
reference_X |
Value: {0.01, 0.99} Type: MassFraction[nX] (kg/kg) Description: Default mass fractions of medium |
p_default |
Value: 101325 Type: AbsolutePressure (Pa) Description: Default value for pressure of medium (for initialization) |
T_default |
Value: Modelica.Units.Conversions.from_degC(20) Type: Temperature (K) Description: Default value for temperature of medium (for initialization) |
h_default |
Value: specificEnthalpy_pTX(p_default, T_default, X_default) Type: SpecificEnthalpy (J/kg) Description: Default value for specific enthalpy of medium (for initialization) |
X_default |
Value: reference_X Type: MassFraction[nX] (kg/kg) Description: Default value for mass fractions of medium (for initialization) |
C_default |
Value: fill(0, nC) Type: ExtraProperty[nC] Description: Default value for trace substances of medium (for initialization) |
nS |
Value: size(substanceNames, 1) Type: Integer Description: Number of substances |
nX |
Value: nS Type: Integer Description: Number of mass fractions |
nXi |
Value: if fixedX then 0 else if reducedX then nS - 1 else nS Type: Integer Description: Number of structurally independent mass fractions (see docu for details) |
nC |
Value: size(extraPropertiesNames, 1) Type: Integer Description: Number of extra (outside of standard mass-balance) transported properties |
C_nominal |
Value: 1.0e-6 * ones(nC) Type: Real[nC] Description: Default for the nominal values for the extra properties |
fluidConstants |
Value: {IdealGases.Common.FluidData.H2O, IdealGases.Common.FluidData.N2} Type: FluidConstants[nS] Description: Constant data for the fluid |
Water |
Value: 1 Type: Integer Description: Index of water (in substanceNames, massFractions X, etc.) |
Air |
Value: 2 Type: Integer Description: Index of air (in substanceNames, massFractions X, etc.) |
k_mair |
Value: steam.MM / dryair.MM Type: Real Description: Ratio of molar weights |
dryair |
Value: IdealGases.Common.SingleGasesData.Air Type: DataRecord Description: Coefficient data record for properties of ideal gases based on NASA source |
steam |
Value: IdealGases.Common.SingleGasesData.H2O Type: DataRecord Description: Coefficient data record for properties of ideal gases based on NASA source |
Value: {steam.MM, dryair.MM} Type: MolarMass[2] (kg/mol) Description: Molar masses of components |