f_nonlinearSolve h_TX(T,X) for T with given h<br><br>This class is declared protected in <a href="Modelica.Media.IdealGases.Common.MixtureGasNasa.T_hX.html">Modelica.Media.IdealGases.Common.MixtureGasNasa.T_hX</a> |
u |
Type: Real Description: Independent variable |
h |
Type: SpecificEnthalpy (J/kg) Description: Specific enthalpy |
X |
Type: MassFraction[nX] (kg/kg) Description: Mass fractions of composition |
exclEnthForm |
Type: Boolean Description: If true, enthalpy of formation Hf is not included in specific enthalpy h |
refChoice |
Type: ReferenceEnthalpy Description: Choice of reference enthalpy |
h_off |
Type: SpecificEnthalpy (J/kg) Description: User defined offset for reference enthalpy, if referenceChoice = UserDefined |
y |
Type: Real Description: Dependent variable y=f(u) |