webMathematica >

Interactive Web Tools

webMathematica 3 introduced a web version of Manipulate technology, which is covered in this section.

Example: SliderPlot.jsp

The core of an example web page that demonstrates the web interactive tools is SliderPlot.jsp. If you installed webMathematica, you should be able to connect to this page via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/Manipulate/SliderPlot.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.) The source for this page is in webMathematica/Examples/Manipulate/SliderPlot.jsp.
<%@ taglib uri="http://www.wolfram.com/msp" prefix="msp" %>


<title>Manipulate Example: Slider, Checkbox, and Plot</title>


Slider, Checkbox, and Plot</h1>


MSPManipulateHeader[$$updateArgs, $$manipulateNumber]

MSPManipulate[ Plot[ Cos[var+x], {x,0,2Pi}, Frame -> frame], {var, 0,20}, {frame, {True,False}}, OutputSize->{621, 384}]

Secondly, the special header is put down, with a call to MSPManipulateHeader. This must refer to the variables $$updateArgs and $$manipulateNumber exactly as shown (note that you cannot rename these variables). MSPManipulateHeader initializes the interactive features.
MSPManipulateHeader[$$updateArgs, $$manipulateNumber]
Plot[ Cos[var+x], {x,0,2Pi}, Frame -> frame],
{var, 0,20}, {frame, {True,False}}]
MSPManipulate supports a number of different interactive controls, which are all similar to those of Manipulate. Detailed information can be found in the function page for MSPManipulate.


MSPManipulate has a syntax that is very similar to that of Manipulate. The default controls are shown below.

Default controls for MSPManipulate.

MSPManipulate[ Plot[ fun[x],{x,0,20}], {fun, {Sin, Cos}},
ControlType -> PopupMenu]

Changing the control for MSPManipulate.

Plot[ Cos[var+x], {x,0,2Pi}], {{var, 10, "shift"}, 0,20}]

Formatting and Output

MSPManipulate takes a couple of options that control the formatting of the argument and the output size.

Options of MSPManipulate.

MSPManipulate always formats its argument into an image; by default it uses StandardForm. However, it can be changed to format into TraditionalForm; this is shown in the following example.
MSPManipulate[ Integrate[ 1/(1-^num),x], {num, 1,20,1},
FormatType -> TraditionalForm]
MSPManipulate[ Integrate[ 1/(1-^num),x], {num, 1,20,1},
OutputSize -> {800,800}]

Underlying Technology and Limitations

The web version of Manipulate is based on Flash web technology. Flash is commonly used to add interactive features and effects to websites and is quite well supported over a variety of different platforms and browsers. webMathematica actually uses Flash 9, so any browser that does not support this will not be able to support webMathematica interactive web tools.
MSPManipulate does not support all the features of Manipulate. While it will increase its support over time, any interactive example that uses Locator expressions is not going to work for some time. Also, MSPManipulate only formats its argument into an image.