webMathematica >


These examples can be reached from the webMathematica home page, which you should be able to reach via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.) The home page shows examples wrapped up in a template that adds more design around the pages to give them a better visual appearance. To study the details of how to program for webMathematica, this extra design may be a distraction and it is also possible to reach the examples without using the template.
When you have finished, you may wish to look at Developing Your Own Pages. This gives some ideas for starting to develop your own site.


If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this JSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/Hello.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.)

Working with Variables: Variables.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this MSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/Variables.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.) It demonstrates how variables are connected to input values. The source for this page is in webMathematica/Examples/Variables.jsp.

MSP Functions: Expand.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this JSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/Expand.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.)
Mathematica now evaluates the contents of the msp:evaluate tag. The MSPBlock command is a programming construct, which here inspects two input variables, $$expr and $$num. If either of these has no value, MSPBlock returns a null string, which is why the first time you access the page, you do not see a result. The values of both variables are then interpreted by Mathematica. If successful, the results of interpretation are substituted into the second argument or body of MSPBlock. In this example all instances of $$expr are substituted with the parsed value of $$expr, and the same is done for $$num. The result is then evaluated, formatted, and placed in the HTML page, which is returned to the client.

Graphics: Plot.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this JSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/Plot.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.)
The example shows the use of the MSP functions MSPBlock and MSPShow. MSPBlock is a programming construct introduced in the previous section. MSPShow takes the Mathematica graphics object from the Plot command and generates a GIF image, which is stored on the server, returning an <img> tag. A further discussion on formatting mathematics and graphics is given in the section on Displaying Mathematics and Graphics. Note how the page uses MSPValue to keep the user input each time the page is used.

Typeset Images: Integrate.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this JSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/Plot.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.)
In this example, an msp:evaluate tag integrates an expression and uses MSPFormat to format the result with StandardForm. This generates an image and returns a reference to the image. For this to work, it is necessary to use the Mathematica front end.
The example also demonstrates the use of page variables with MSPToExpression. This is an alternative to using MSPBlock suitable in certain constructions, for example, when the input will be used in a number of computations. The page variable integrand is initialized to Null and later, if its value has been modified, the integration is carried out. It is assigned to the interpreted value of $$expr only if this input variable actually has a value. Note that if an error, such as a security error, is encountered in interpreting $$expr, an exception will be thrown and integrand will remain assigned to Null.
Note that MSPToExpression applies a security check to the input variable. You should be aware that input variables are a major source of danger and always use the secure conversion functions MSPBlock and MSPToExpression. In particular, you should never use ToExpression on an input variable. The Security section documents the security system in more detail.

Live 3D Plotting: Plot3DLive.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this JSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/Plot3DLive.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.) It allows the user to enter a function to be plotted by the LiveGraphics3D applet. The source for this page is in webMathematica/Examples/Plot3DLive.jsp.

Getting Messages: Messages.jsp

This example demonstrates how messages and print output generated by Mathematica can be returned in the web page. If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this JSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/Messages.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.) The source for this page is in webMathematica/Examples/Messages.jsp.
The contents are very simple; there are two evaluations that cause messages to be generated. These are followed by uses of MSPGetMessages and MSPGetPrintOutput, both of which are formatted by ColumnForm. The messages that were generated are displayed in the resulting page.

Returning General Content: Content.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this JSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/Content.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.)
All of the examples up to this point return HTML to the browser, but the web can work with general content involving many different formats. MSPReturn is provided to allow an MSP to return arbitrary content. Here is an example that demonstrates how different formats can be returned. The source is in webMathematica/Examples/Content.jsp and webMathematica/WEB-INF/Applications/ExampleUtilities/Content.m.

Interactive Web: SliderPlot.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this page via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/Manipulate/SliderPlot.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.) The source for this page is in webMathematica/Examples/Manipulate/SliderPlot.jsp.
The example has three key sections. First, the MSPManipulate` package is loaded with the Needs statement. This needs to be done in its own evaluate tag, and at the start of the page. Secondly, a special header is put down with a call to MSPManipulateHeader. This needs to refer to the variables $$updateArgs and $$manipulateNumber exactly as shown (note that you cannot rename these variables). MSPManipulateHeader initializes the interactive features. Thirdly, a particular interactive example is put down with MSPManipulate. This follows the syntax of the Manipulate function, introduced in Mathematica 6. In the example here, a slider and a checkbox are returned in the page.

Applets: TextApplet.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this page via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/TextApplet.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.) The source for this page is in webMathematica/Examples/TextApplet.jsp and webMathematica/WEB-INF/src/ExampleApplets/TextApplet.java.

JavaScript: PlotScript.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this MSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/PlotScript/PlotScript.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.) The source for this page is in webMathematica/Examples/PlotScript/PlotScript.jsp and webMathematica/Examples/PlotScript/PlotScript1.jsp.

Setting Variables: SetBasic.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this JSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/SetBasic.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.)

Getting Variables: GetBasic.jsp

If you installed webMathematica as described above, you should be able to connect to this JSP via http://localhost:8080/webMathematica/Examples/GetBasic.jsp. (You may have some other URL for accessing your server.)
The example also makes use of extended JSP tags. It also requires programming in both Java and Mathematica. It shows how easy it would be to incorporate webMathematica into an existing JSP framework.