Documentation /  Analog Insydes /  Appendix /  Model Library /


4.3 Model Library

The Analog Insydes model library provides full-precision SPICE-compatible models for the most important devices such as Diodes (Section 4.3.1), BJTs (Section 4.3.2), MOSFETs (Section 4.3.3), and JFETs (Section 4.3.4).

Each section contains two subsections describing the large-signal as well as the small-signal model. Following an equivalent circuit schematic the particular model parameters are introduced including their default values and a short description. Note that the default values of the small-signal parameters are given symbolically with the suffix as they are automatically generated by ReadNetlist. Each model section concludes with a description of those parameters which are influenced by the automatic model-complexity reduction controlled via the global Analog Insydes option ModelLibrary.
