Generalized 2D/3D• Generalized[cnum] returns the list of generalized forces, or Lagrange multipliers ( 1, 2, ... ) associated with constraint cnum in the current model. • The cnum argument can take any of the forms accepted by Constraints to obtain velocity terms from multiple constraints. • Generalized is also an element of the MakeRules option setting. • MakeRules->{... , Generalized, ... } causes the generalized forces to be included in the interpolated rules returned. • Generalized[All] returns the entire vector of Lagrange multipliers. • The generalized force vector contains one Lagrange multiplier, n, for each constraint equation in the current system. • Transpose[Jacobian[cnum, All]].Generalized[cnum] Loads[All] returns the entire static force balance equation associated with constraint cnum. • The value of the Lagrange multipliers cannot be directly interpreted as a force or moment without some understanding of the explicit form of the mechanism equations. Use the Reaction function to convert generalized loads into the reaction forces at each constraint. • See also: Centrifugal. Further Examples Load the Modeler2D package and define a simple model. Here are the generalized forces associated with the Translate2 constraint.
Out[2]= |  |
Here are the generalized forces associated with multiple constraints.
Out[3]= |  |
The numerical values of the generalized forces are given by SolveMech with the Static, Kinematic, or Dynamic solution levels.
Out[4]= |  |
See HelpModel2D.