All the functionality in Geometry`Rotations` is now available in the built-in Mathematica kernel function RotationTransform.
Here is the matrix for rotation by θ degrees:
Version 5.2
![<< Geometry`Rotations`;
In Version 6, you get a TransformationFunction that represents a rotation in 2D by θ radians about the origin:
The point {0,0} is rotated about the point {1,1} by 60 degrees:
Version 5.2
![<< Geometry`Rotations`;
Rotate2D[{0., 0.}, N[Pi/3], {1., 1.}]](Files/Rotations.en/legacy_2.gif)
RotationMatrix rotates points in the opposite direction from RotationMatrix2D:
Version 5.2
![<< Geometry`Rotations`;
Similarly RotationTransform rotates points in the opposite direction from Rotate2D:
Version 5.2
![<< Geometry`Rotations`;
Rotate2D[{x, y}, phi, {x0, y0}]](Files/Rotations.en/legacy_4.gif)
RotationMatrix uses yaw-pitch-roll angles rather than the Euler angles used by RotationMatrix3D:
Version 5.2
![<< Geometry`Rotations`;
RotationMatrix3D[phi, theta, psi]](Files/Rotations.en/legacy_5.gif)