Finite Fields Package
Plus, Times, D — operators overloaded by the Finite Fields Package
GF — represent a Galois field using its characteristic and irreducible polynomial coefficients
SetFieldFormat — set the output form of elements in a field
FunctionOfCode ▪ FunctionOfCoefficients
Characteristic — prime characteristic of a field
ExtensionDegree — extension degree of a field over its base field
FieldIrreducible — univariate irreducible polynomial associated with a field
IrreduciblePolynomial — univariate irreducible polynomial of a given degree
Element Manipulation
Successor — next element in a canonical ordering of a field's elements
ReduceElement — element of a field in reduced form
ToElementCode — non-negative integer associated with a specified element in a field
FromElementCode — element of a given field associated with a specified integer
PolynomialToElement — field element corresponding to given polynomial coefficients
ElementToPolynomial — univariate polynomial corresponding to a given field element
FieldExp — value of the exponential function associated with a field for a given integer
FieldInd — power to which the primitive element must be raised to get a specified element
PowerList — data parts of nonzero elements of a field
PowerListToField — field object based on a list of the type produced by PowerList