Combining Graphics
The symbolic character of Wolfram Language graphics makes it straightforward to combine together different graphics constructs, both for presentation and interactive behavior—and efficiently maintain a variety of types of constraints.
Show — graphics shown combined, or with options changed
Overlay — stack graphics or any other expressions
Canvas — represent a canvas for free-form drawing that can be combined with a graphic
Inset — inset a graphic or expression inside a larger graphic
GraphicsGroup — make graphics be selected as a group
double‐click — "drill down" inside an inset or group
Directive — combine graphics directives
GraphicsComplex — create a complex of graphics objects with shared coordinates
JoinedCurve, FilledCurve — create a joined curve from multiple segments
Arrow — create a curved arrow
Epilog, Prolog — include additional material in graphics
Tabular Layout
GraphicsGrid ▪ GraphicsRow ▪ GraphicsColumn