New in 6.0: System Interfaces & Deployment
Mathematica 6.0 represented one of the world's most advanced software engineering endeavors. Building on Mathematica's symbolic programming foundations, a series of software engineering innovations made possible the new dynamic interactivity of Mathematica 6.0, and further extended Mathematica's highly efficient cross-platform communication capabilities.
New Dynamic Interactivity Support »
Dynamic ▪ DynamicModule ▪ Refresh ▪ ...
New External Device Support »
ControllerManipulate ▪ ControllerInformation ▪ ...
New System Control & Monitoring
SystemInformation — complete system information
CurrentValue ▪ $MachineDomains ▪ $MachineAddresses ▪ MemoryInUse (enhanced) ▪ $SystemWordLength ▪ $CharacterEncodings ▪ SystemOptions ▪ SetSystemOptions
New Integrated Web Services Support
InstallService — install a WSDL-described web service
New File Capabilities
FileHash ▪ FilePrint ▪ FileNames (modified) ▪ Import (modified)