Built on powerful and elegant principles, the core Mathematica language has emerged over the past 20 years as perhaps the world's richest and deepest programming language. Version 7.0 builds into the core language some convenient additional list manipulation functions, has powerful new capabilities for string and sequence comparison, and introduces fully integrated, zero configuration, multiparadigm parallel computing for multicore and network systems.

New in List Manipulation

GatherBy gather elements of a list according to the value of a function

Gather  ▪  SplitBy  ▪  DeleteDuplicates  ▪  ArrayPad  ▪  Ratios

New in String Manipulation and Comparison »

SequenceAlignment find an optimal alignment of sequences of elements

StringTrim  ▪  LongestCommonSequence  ▪  LongestCommonSubsequence

New in Similarity and Distance Measures »

DamerauLevenshteinDistance distance between strings or vectors

SmithWatermanSimilarity  ▪  NeedlemanWunschSimilarity  ▪  ...

New Built-in Parallel Computing »

Parallelize evaluate an expression using automatic parallelization

ParallelMap  ▪  ParallelTable  ▪  ParallelTry  ▪  ParallelSubmit  ▪  ...

New in Message Handling

$MessageGroups themed groups of messages ("Graphics", "Symbolics", ...)

On, Off, Check, Quiet (modified) apply to groups of messages