Operations on Sets
In the Wolfram Language, sets are represented by sorted lists.
Union — find the union of any number of sets
Intersection — find the intersection of any number of sets
Complement — find the complement with respect to a universal set
SymmetricDifference — find the symmetric difference of any number of sets
Subsets — find all possible subsets of a set (the powerset)
Tuples — find all possible tuples of n elements from a set
Groupings — find all possible groupings of elements
Testing Relations between Sets
IntersectingQ ▪ DisjointQ ▪ SubsetQ
Testing Set Containment
ContainsAll ▪ ContainsNone ▪ ContainsAny ▪ ContainsOnly ▪ ContainsExactly
Testing Elements in Sets
Operations on Subsets
SubsetCases — find subsets of elements matching a pattern
SubsetReplace — replace subsets of elements
Constructing Sets from Lists
DeleteDuplicates ▪ Sort ▪ DuplicateFreeQ ▪ DeleteAdjacentDuplicates ▪ UniqueElements