removes all elements of expr that match pattern.
removes all parts of expr on levels specified by levelspec that match pattern.
removes the first n parts of expr that match pattern.
represents an operator form of DeleteCases that can be applied to an expression.
Details and Options
- When used on an Association, DeleteCases deletes elements according to their values.
- DeleteCases[pattern][expr] is equivalent to DeleteCases[expr,pattern].
- With the option Heads->True, you can delete heads with DeleteCases. Deleting the head of a particular element in an expression is equivalent to applying FlattenAt to the expression at that point.
- DeleteCases uses standard level specifications:
n levels 1 through n Infinity levels 1 through Infinity {n} level n only {n1,n2} levels n1 through n2 - The default value for levelspec in DeleteCases is {1}.
- A positive level n consists of all parts of expr specified by n indices.
- A negative level -n consists of all parts of expr with depth n.
- Level -1 consists of numbers, symbols, and other objects that do not have subparts.
- Level 0 corresponds to the whole expression.
- DeleteCases traverses the parts of expr in a depth-first order, with leaves visited before roots.
open allclose allBasic Examples (5)
Delete cases that match integers:
Delete elements from Association:
DeleteCases can access parts of the elements of an Association:
Deleting elements from a nested Association:
Scope (2)
Delete elements matching an Association from a list:
Applications (1)
Build a function that works like Complement, but preserving order and multiplicity:
Possible Issues (1)
Deleting the head effectively flattens the expression:
Deleting the head in Association removes the entry:
Wolfram Research (1991), DeleteCases, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2014).
Wolfram Language. 1991. "DeleteCases." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2014.
Wolfram Language. (1991). DeleteCases. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from