

replaces each element in list by the mean of the values of all elements that differ by less than d.


returns the list where only the specified parts pi are replaced with mean-shifted values.


mean shift of the pixel values in image.

Details and Options

  • MeanShift is also known as mode seeking and is typically used to smooth data arrays and images.
  • MeanShift preserves the ordering of the input elements.
  • In MeanShift[image,d,parts], parts can be a marker image or a list of {row,column} positions.
  • The following options can be given:
  • DistanceFunction EuclideanDistancedistance metric function
    MaxIterations 1maximum number of iterations to perform
    Tolerance 0allowed tolerance to assume convergence
    Weights Automaticweights to use for computing the mean
  • With Tolerance->t, mean-shift iterations stop if no point changes by more than t.
  • By default, unit weights are used. Using Weights->f, function f applied to rescaled distances between elements is used to compute and return a weighted mean of the values. Distances between 0 and d are rescaled to be in the range from 0 and 1.
  • Typical settings for Weights include:
  • UnitStepunit weights (default)
    UnitTrianglelinearly decreasing weight
    "Gaussian"weights based on a Gaussian window with sigma
    {"Gaussian",σ}Gaussian window with sigma σ
  • Common settings for the DistanceFunction option are:
  • ManhattanDistanceManhattan or "city block" distance
    EuclideanDistanceEuclidean distance
    SquaredEuclideanDistancesquared Euclidean distance
    NormalizedSquaredEuclideanDistancenormalized squared Euclidean distance
    CosineDistanceangular cosine distance
    CorrelationDistancecorrelation coefficient distance
    fuse an arbitrary function f


open allclose all

Basic Examples  (3)

Mean shift of a list of integers:

Mean shift of a list of vectors:

Mean shift of an image's pixels after multiple iterations:

Scope  (4)

Remove uniform noise from a dataset:

Mean-shift algorithm applied to symbolic expressions:

Mean-shift algorithm applied to a subset of the points:

Precision of the input is preserved:

Options  (8)

DistanceFunction  (3)

By default, EuclideanDistance is used:

Specify the distance function:

Use a custom distance function:

MaxIterations  (2)

By default, only one iteration of mean shift is applied to input:

Use MaxIterations to specify the number of iterations:

Use MaxIterations->Infinity to run until convergence:

Use MaxIterations to iteratively smooth data:

Tolerance  (1)

By default, zero tolerance is used:

Specify the accepted tolerance:

Weights  (2)

By default, uniform weights are used:

Weigh neighbors linearly, based on their distance from each sample:

Weigh neighbors exponentially, based on their squared distance from each sample:

By "Gaussian" weights for color segmentation:

With default uniform weights:

Applications  (9)

Smoothing  (2)

Find large-scale features in a noisy dataset:

Image smoothing using mean shift of 5D features in the joint spatial-range domain:

Use LABColor values, suitable for computing color distances:

Compute spatial location features normalized to the range 0 to 1:

Construct 5D features from color and location of pixels:

Perform one iteration of mean-shift filtering using "Gaussian" weights and EuclideanDistance, which is equivalent to multiplying Gaussian-weighted spatial and range features:

Create the output image using the filtered color values:

Perform 10 iterations:

Mean-Shift Displacement  (2)

Compute a 1D mean-shift vector:

Generate unimodal 2D data:

Compute the trajectory of a point as it iteratively ascends toward the mode:

Visualize the norm and direction of the successive mean-shift vectors:

Visualize the ascent:

Find Modes of Estimated Distribution  (1)

Get sample data from some distribution with three modes: 0, 2, and 4:

Apply mean shift until convergence for samples that tessellates the data:

Prune points that are not local maxima of the underlying PDF by restarting mean shift from a perturbed position:

Find modes by gathering the nearby peaks:

Clustering  (2)

Generate data from some distribution:

Apply mean shift until all data points have converged:

Gather the result into clusters:

Visualize the clustering:

Generate a large amount of data from some distribution:

Compute trajectories for a fraction of the data samples:

Merge paths that end within radius of each other:

Label each trajectory and compute the corresponding nearest function:

Each unlabeled sample is assigned the label of the closest trajectory:

Visualize the clustering:

Computing the mean shift until convergence for the entire dataset would take much longer:

Image Segmentation  (2)

Iterate mean-shift filtering in the 3D feature space of the "LAB" color components:

Perform mean-shift filtering in the 5D spatial-range feature domain:

Merge components whose feature values are apart by less than the radius:

Compute the final segments and quantized image:

Properties & Relations  (3)

Perform mean shift on some parts of a list:

Extract the mean-shifted elements:

Perform mean shift on some parts of an image:

Create a mask for the first detected bright component:

Perform the smoothing:

Extract the mean-shifted pixel values:

The mean-shift vector is proportional to the gradient density estimate normalized by the density estimate:

Neat Examples  (1)

Show multiple iterations of mean shift:

Wolfram Research (2010), MeanShift, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2014).


Wolfram Research (2010), MeanShift, Wolfram Language function, (updated 2014).


Wolfram Language. 2010. "MeanShift." Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Wolfram Research. Last Modified 2014.


Wolfram Language. (2010). MeanShift. Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center. Retrieved from


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