WSPutRawData (C Function)
int WSPutRawData(WSLINK link, const unsigned char *d, int l)
puts raw character data or numeric data from d of length-l bytes to link.

- Use WSPutRawData() in conjunction with WSPutType() and WSPutRawSize() to manually put data to a link rather than using the type-specific API functions such as WSPutInteger32() or WSPutUTF8String().
- Sending numerical data with WSPutRawData() bypasses the WSTP library's internal mechanisms for ensuring data compatibility between heterogeneous computer systems. To use this function, users will need to account for endianness and C-type size differences between computer systems.
- When sending character data, use WSPutType() with the token argument WSTKOLDSTR for string data or WSTKOLDSYM for symbol data. Do not use WSPutRawData() to send character data in any format other than 7-bit ASCII encoding.
- When sending numerical data, use WSPutType() with the correct token for the binary data. The WSTP header file wstp.h contains the complete list of these tokens, but the more common tokens are listed here for convenience:
unsigned char WSTK_CUCHAR short WSTK_CSHORT int WSTK_CINT long WSTK_CLONG float WSTK_CFLOAT double WSTK_CDOUBLE long double WSTK_CLONGDOUBLE - WSPutRawData() returns a 0 in the event of an error and a nonzero value if the function succeeds.
- Use WSError() to retrieve the error code if WSPutRawData() fails.
- WSPutRawData() is declared in the WSTP header file wstp.h.
Basic Examples (1)
#include "wstp.h"
/* send a function as raw data to a link */
void f(WSLINK lp)
int a = 2, b = 3;
if(! WSPutType(lp, WSTKFUNC))
{ return; /* unable to put the function type to lp */ }
if(! WSPutArgCount(lp, 2))
{ return; /* unable to put the number of arguments to lp */ }
if(! WSPutType(lp, WSTKOLDSYM))
{ return; /* unable to put function head type to lp */ }
if(! WSPutRawSize(lp, 4))
{ return; /* unable to put the size of the symbol to lp */ }
if(! WSPutRawData(lp, (const unsigned char *)"Plus", 4))
{ return; /* unable to put the raw bytes to lp */ }
if(! WSPutType(lp, WSTK_CINT))
{ return; /* unable to put the argument type to lp */ }
if(! WSPutRawSize(lp, sizeof(int)))
{ return; /* unable to put the size of the integer to lp */ }
if(! WSPutRawData(lp, (const unsigned char *)&a, sizeof(a)))
{ return; /* unable to put the raw bytes of a to lp */ }
if(! WSPutType(lp, WSTK_CINT))
{ return; /* unable to put the second argument type to lp */ }
if(! WSPutRawSize(lp, sizeof(int)))
{ return; /* unable to put the size of the integer to lp */ }
if(! WSPutRawData(lp, (const unsigned char *)&b, sizeof(b)))
{ return; /* unable to put the raw bytes of b to lp */ }